Feb 08, 2008 19:01
i was pumping some gas and i realized the old dodge dakota had his engine running, while pumping. i thought to myself "shit, if something triggers a spark, i'm probably going to die." His truck was making an awful lot of quirky noises. Maybe it was hungry for some gasoline. I then thought about how much i love life and how great of a future I have going for me. I thought about Family, friends, and even random acquaintences (such as the lady who cut me off from my family while in line to enter a revolving door. Granted we dont look anything like eachother, yet there was a well established line to get into the Pru...i got behind her, in my own little revolving door cubby, and was very tempted to pull the revolving door while she was trying to push...and then thought about how its much easier to push than to pull, so in actuallity, i should turn around and push the door, to prevent ms speedy to get to her final destination). He continued to fill an external tank, while having it rest inside his truck bed. When pumping gas, there is little to read/focus on. So I read (tempted to read it out loud) about how you should never full a tank resting on your car...and how it should always be on the ground.
Fortunately, the dude drove off and I'm still alive.
Yeah, I'm a bit random today.
either way, should something crazy happen and I die. I love ya all. I suppose this is what 2 espresso shots does to an asian.