Mar 04, 2007 08:51
I had a terrible set last night. why do audience members like it when you tell them how much you hate them and that they make me reconsider everything in my life. Yet any joke you tell all they want to do is smile. I am going to actually get a job soon because I have nothing better to do than drink on the weekdays with buddies and play baseball video games.
I am still stuck in all the same ruts I have been in. Anything that involves me needing someone else is going fucking terrible. Oh well I will be an unknown writer on a sitcom some day who every now and then still dose stand up but I live in my one bed room apartment and die without anyone knowing who I am ever no matter how hard I work at comedy or being a decent human.
I have good friends no sarcasm I really do they are all pretty rad.
I beat spider man for the snes without using a fantastic four coin
I drew a face on Sara's weenier today
Thats my life for the most part