Aug 05, 2004 22:38
so yeah today was daniells lil get together lol we get there and it
wasnt really a get together anymore... haha it was me chels her and
than finally merille showed up.
so we were kinda talking for a few and played a lil badmittion....kinda boring
went swimming....the fag todd showed up flirted with chels a lil bit... i wanted to kill him or him to drowen'd......
chels was kinda bein the pool
so yeah ahhaha mray left and we played badmittion again but kept
yelling random words out that was great.... haha good memories...
::::::::::::::::::::fill out:::::::::::::::::::::::::
1. Whats your name?:
2. Are we friends?:
3. How did we meet?:
4. Before we met, had you heard of me? If so, what did you hear?:
5. Describe me in one sentence:
6. What was your first impression of me?:
7. What's my middle name?:
8. What reminds you of me?:
9. What would you say my reputation is?:
10. What makes me happy?:
11. Who do I have a crush on?:
12. Do you think I'm attractive?:
13. Be honest, what is the worst thing you've heard someone say about me?:
14. Do you think I'm smart?:
15. Did you used to read my livejournal before you knew me?:
16. How would you describe me to someone?:
17. What's your favorite memory with me?:
18. What phrases do you think I say the most?:
19. What would you say is my worst feature (be honest)?:
20. What's the last thing I said to you?:
21. When was the first time you saw me?:
22. Do any songs remind you of me? (what are they):
23. Do you think we'll be friends in 3 years?:
24. Who do you think I should go out with?:
25. What makes me sad?:
26. What is my screen name?:
27. Say anything you've ever wanted to tell me: