Oct 17, 2006 15:27

So before I left work yesterday I was reading the wikipedia entry on Orson Welles - basically a really summed up biography. It was pretty neat. Near the end, it mentioned that his last acting job was playing the voice of Unicron! He died about a week after. I had no idea about that, I thought it was extremely cool (nerd). Anyway, I then spent most of today reading about Transformers. There is a LOT of stuff on Transformers. The recent TV shows are utter crap to watch, but the stories behind them are pretty neat; and the alternate takes/expansions in the comic book lines are also very interesting.

I didn't actually do much work today. I formatted a laptop and had some serious drivers issues with it (how can I go download drivers if I don't have a network driver? I don't have the isntallation CD's) but now it's all good. But seriously, I managed to spread about an hour or two of work over five hours. I'm really trying to look busy here, but there isn't much to do. I went up and showed some lady how to convert .tiff to .jpg yesterday, that was exciting. /wrists Now I don't know what else to do.

One hour to waste.
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