hello, world.

Jan 15, 2006 23:59

so i'm starting over in new york city.

this time, i'm not relying on chemicals to keep me happy and social and numb.

this time, it's a little grittier and a little scarier and a lot more real.

this time, i'm confronting my insecurities and confusions rather than smiling through them.

and this time, i'm feeling truly happy and excited to be here.

i have a great job at a darling, independent cafe that keeps me well-fed and in the black and able to save up a smidge of cash. (don't forget to tip your counter-person, people. yes, that 50 cents makes all the difference.)

i have an amazing apartment and great housemates.

i have an internship at the SITI Company, where once a week i consolidate excel spreadsheets for anne bogart, my personal theater directing hero. (also, i do things like label chuck mee's mailslot and bring scripts to broadway stars' backstage doors and upper westside apartments.)

i have clear, realizable plans to spend the summer in edinburgh, scotland at the international theater fringe festival.

and i have a contented heart, a quieted mind, a close network of friends, new and old, and, basically, everything i need..

life is sweet, once you stop to notice it.

(x-posted in artistathena)
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