Manny Pacquiao retainers on...ready...GO!

Feb 25, 2007 17:12

Images From QaF_Scans

Kee. Gale Harold is love.

Why am I so slow in catching up with the rest of the world in adoring this talented man, I do not know. Now if only I can find a way to filter QaF to just include the funny, angsty rated PG-13 life will be semicomplete. Maybe I can start with downloading Vanished. ^^ He's too involved with Broadway at the moment, so I'll have to be contented.

[Listens to Formula 17 OST] -- its pretty good. Conjuring images of sun-kissed Tony Yang while typing about my future son is NOT good. Madoc/Manech might turn into a giddy, homosexual fluffbunny lambie pie like Tien. [Changes to Phoenix]...but on second thought...its fine if one of my sons becomes gay. I don't know how their father will take it - but as long as they're good people - who am I to judge, faghag that I am.

I'm strangely numb and detached these past few days, especially concerning school. I've never felt this way before and its starting to scare me a bit. I've never been one to NOT be tense. I wonder if this can be attributed to my dieting recently? I've lost a considerable amount of weight - and I may have some deficiencies. My Chevostek's sign isn't as strong as before so...hmmm this merits some close observations.

My Socio project is proceeding quite slowly. I almost teared when I began typing my last testament for my siblings [if ever they'll still be alive when I finally die]. I haven't been the best sister to them both, so slowly I'm trying to rectify that mistake.

ChichiTheMini made my wedding gown for me --- so now I have to look for a set of gowns for the entourage and a 'barong' for my husband. And engagement and wedding rings. And a reception hall. And a caterer. And giveaways [plus the wedding registry]. And a honeymoon package.


The things Sr. Venoya can make us do.

[fiddles with retainers] Manny Pacquiao --- I feel you. These mouthguards are a killer.

WTF. Nishikido uses YouTube. Good news for rabid fans, they may come across your posts and have a great time using Google translate.
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