Mar 17, 2004 01:29
Ok I thought I'd give my two cents about this magistical thing we know as an online journal. Now when we break down the word livejournal we do get the word journal. Now a journal is something that you write in and talk about yourself, your feelings, how your day is going, etc. However you take the word "live"; In this context it means online, everybody can see it, NOT PRIVATE! Now one of the many features of this ONLINE JOURNAL is a comments section. Now when I got this livejournal thing going I was fully aware that I probably should not put down deep, intiment things that I did not want people to know about. Anything I share on this journal is open knowledge for anybody who wants to know about it. Now recently a certain person decided he wanted to freak on me and decided to criticize me about some rather personal stuff on his journal all because of a comment I made about his crappy poem. Now I'm pretty easy going about things and I have no problem with apollogizing if I said something to offend somebody, but it's gonna have to be somebody I want to apollogize to and posting stupid shit aimed at criticizing me is NOT gonna make me want to apollogize. As a matter of fact it's gonna make me want to do the opposite! So here it goes. Scott,
Your poem sucked ass! If you don't like the fact that your poem sucked ass then write a better poem. If you don't want me to comment on your crappy poem then don't post it on an online journal. Write it down or tattoo it someplace nobody will see, I DON'T CARE. And btw I had to deal with your stupid ass whining on New Years and on almost every livejournal entry that you posted so FUCK YOU!
The end
Sorry this one didn't rhyme folks. It of those non-rhyming type poems. Like Dr. Dre style.... or whatever... um yeah