
Feb 28, 2010 13:43

I'm playing catch up with "movies I should have seen but am embarrassed to admit I haven't", and movies I watched so long ago that I've forgotten what happened. I have a terrible memory, it's quite embarrassing. Recently, I watched The Breakfast Club for the first time (awesome!). I'm trying to form a list to work my way through, and I'm drawing a blank! So, what movies have you never quite gotten around to watching? Or, what movies would you consider "must sees"? Failing that, just recommend me awesome movies, please, and I'll add them to the list if they interest me!

Films to watch:
Annie Hall,
Blade Runner (RW),
Die Hard (ALL OF THEM),
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
2001: A Space Odyssey
Les Plages d'Agnes,
High Fidelity (RW),
Johnny Guitar,
Sixteen Candles,
Citizen Kane,
The Graduate,
Groundhog Day,
It's a Wonderful Life,
Jaws (I'm sure I've seen at least part of this before, but when I was a kid),
Dirty Dancing,
Raiders of the Lost Ark (again, I'm pretty sure I've seen this already),
Rebel Without a Cause,
Saving Private Ryan,
Star Wars (RW - Dad forced me to watch them as a kid and I hated them for that reason, so I want to see how I react now)
The Maltese Falcon,
Apocalypse Now,
Transamerica (I missed the final quarter of this),
Princess Mononoke,
The Wicker Man (because it looks HILARIOUSLY bad)

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NB: "(RW)" stands for re-watch

films, movies

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