Vegan marshmallow creations.

Jun 10, 2009 19:37

Last weekend, I traveled up to Edinburgh to visit _meganekko_. As expected, we ate far, far more than we probably should have (so much so that I actually woke up in the middle of the night and was ill!), but I think it's safe to say that our vegan marshmallow creations were probably the highlights.

In terms of texture, the marshmallows actually came out somewhere between marshmallow Fluff and real, firm marshmallows (looks like we'll have to hang on for an order of Dandies after all), but the taste was spot on. We left them to cool for a couple of hours whilst we ate Pizza Hut and watched High School Musical, and then we made S'mores!

In the morning, it was was finally time to make the ultimate marshmallow creation that I have been craving ever since I went vegetarian about 3 years ago: Rocky Road! Whilst the recipe for this is often disputed, we agreed that ours would contain a simple mixture of digestive biscuits, chocolate, glacé cherries and marshmallows. It didn't set properly, but it tasted incredible:

Yes, we were (are!) very pleased with ourselves. I wish we lived closer together!

When I got home, I used my leftover marshmallow to bake makeshift S'mores cupcakes. Ideally, I would have used a blowtorch to crisp up the outside a bit, and I would also have used digestive biscuits and melted some chocolate over the top too, but a chocolate cupcake with marshmallow topping did the trick:

I still have half a tub left over in the fridge, which I keep snacking on, but I really want to use the last lot to make something else that I've craved for a while: marshmallow squares! Watch this space...

s'mores, rocky road, chocolate, marshmallow, cupcakes, vegan

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