
Aug 23, 2010 09:53

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Comments 22

paula_kelley August 23 2010, 14:28:39 UTC
posting this on fb! hope you don't mind!


rice_dream_girl August 23 2010, 14:30:15 UTC
Fine by me :)


unicornbrigade August 23 2010, 14:52:46 UTC
love it. what's worse, in my opinion, is that i see the archetype of the skinny white girl used not only in fashion magazines, but also masqueraded as indie art that we see roblogged over and over on sites like tumblr. With ads in magazines, there is a blatant objective-- and that is to sell you a product, in this case through the means of sex. When this body ideal manifests itself in the non-monetized realms of 'hip' art, it reveals how deeply this ideal has penetrated into our society. It's now our input (through magazine ads) /and/ our output- (the art we create)-- apparently, it's all we claim to know.
In other words, i'm really fucking sick of seeing lomo photos of naked, waify girls sitting in the middle of a field, and it being considered the art of our generation.


paula_kelley August 23 2010, 15:04:41 UTC
yup, and Etsy models are all tiny, and they stick clothespins on the larger clothes they're trying to sell to get them to look tiny. and all the fashion blogs only have pictures of skinny people.

except for Hel Looks. Hel Looks rules and has different ages and body types and styles and it's the best website ever and it makes me happy.


unicornbrigade August 23 2010, 15:16:50 UTC
hel looks does rule. i could waste a few hours on that site


rice_dream_girl August 23 2010, 15:23:34 UTC
I'm going to look into Hel Looks, thanks!


charlycrash August 23 2010, 15:04:46 UTC
Part of the problem is that's it's self-perpetuating i.e. someone who doesn't fit some ideal or other is less likely to try and get into modeling or take their clothes off or whatever.

I do a lot of nude art as you know and I just KNOW that nobody believes me when I say that I don't specifically pick thin, pretty white women to draw practically every time. It's really difficult to find suitable photos of people who fall into other demographics (and unfortunately I can only work from other people's photos right now) so it's easiest to just go with the flow. So all I'm doing is contributing more pictures of thin, pretty white girls to the world, perpetuating it all yet further in my tiny way.

I find fat people (either male or female) really nice to draw because they make very elegant curves, but good luck finding any decent material there.

Sorry, just a bugbear of mine :/ I'm both bored of the same old subject matter wrt people and bored of wondering what other people think my motives are.


rice_dream_girl August 23 2010, 15:23:16 UTC
No, I understand that. I started a very self absorbed tumblr account that I use as a kind of mood board (I post photos of hair and clothes I like, among other things) and I'm picky enough about "style" as it is, and even when specifically looking for them, it's very hard to find pictures I like of non thin / white / etc people. It's frustrating, and that's what prompted me to make this image. I just hope that by acknowledging that there is a problem, and actively looking for a variety of things I find aesthetically pleasing, that awareness can be raised and some sort of progress can come about. I like to vocalise my feelings because I know that there are people who think the same way, but they don't have the same ad budget as corporations. This is one way in which the internet has real advantages!

One final thing: I'm also wary of posting photos of people simply because they're fat / non-white, as I don't want to put people on a pedestal.


paula_kelley August 23 2010, 15:31:18 UTC
Adipositivity project! http://adipositivity.my-expressions.com/galleries/9478_1745602162/56796

It's pictures of fatter body types, and they're GORGEOUS!


charlycrash August 23 2010, 15:38:49 UTC
One thing that bugs me about it from a purely aesthetic angle is that beauty doesn't work like that anyway - I really don't think it's something you can quantify.

IME, being a size 6 or having big tits or whatever doesn't automatically make someone beautiful. Nothing does. People are beautiful because they work as ensembles. Some people look better as a size 6 than a 16, other people look better at 16 than 6, and the same goes for everything. Saying being a certain size or whatever automatically makes you prettier is a bit like saying any piece of music can be improved if you add a guitar solo. It's a really simplistic and childish way to look at it, but unfortunately society seems to think it works that way.

I'm picky enough about "style" as it is, and even when specifically looking for them, it's very hard to find pictures I like of non thin / white / etc people. It's frustratingOh God, IKR. Sorry for wanking on about art so much but it's the main way all this impacts my life: I've wanted to do pictures of men so, so badly for so ( ... )


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rice_dream_girl August 23 2010, 16:07:49 UTC
Thanks :)


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rice_dream_girl August 24 2010, 01:56:12 UTC
Doooooo ittttttt!


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