Aug 06, 2007 05:28

As NEWS fangirl, I'm in heaven right now. I got to see the DVD of their last tour, with more backstage scenes than a girl could wish for, and then I got to see them again on today's Shônen Club. Yappa tengoku ya!

Since I'm a bit more coherent now, here are some comments. If I knew how to sub, I would have done it - well, I kind of did a detailed report with pictures instead, of the first 25mins. Subbing it would have been easier! Now I'm tired and want to sleep. And I want to talk about this with other people, so I hope it gets subbed very quickly!!

I laughed at Kei's intro - "Here's us, the super idols - NEWS." XD He explains that he is in charge of the backstage camera for Ôsaka, then for each place someone else will be in charge. They're at the Haneda airport. LOL at Shige in the store - he managed to drop his wallet not once, but twice while buying some magazines.

(You can see the wallet just slipping from the counter.)

(Arriving in Ôsaka.)
Somehow that reminded me of Yoko who once said he also drops (and loses) his wallet frequently. Then, rehearsal at the Ôsaka venue - I laughed at Pi, Shige, Tegoshi and Koyama fooling around behind Massu, but then Koyama got scolded by the staff and fled. XD

And hey, is Ryô always rehearsing halfnaked? *drools*

Ah, then Koyashige's hotel room in Ôsaka! ♥_♥ Shige is already in bed, they have all had dinner together before, so they talk about food, while Koyama already starts sneezing (he catches a cold later on).

They talk about Shige's "kuchi-zuke" choreography. Pi: "He's a hopeless narcissist." LOL. Then Koyama puts in his earplugs and explains that though he himself makes noise at night, Shige is sleeping with his earphones while listening to music.

Next to take the camera is Ryô-chan. Pi crowing "Ryô-chaaan!" in the background is so cute! Also, interesting that Pi apparently shared Koyashige's room in Ôsaka.

Ryô (wearing a shirt that says "It's better in the Bahamas") is as uncomfortable with the camera as usual. "I've taken the camera over now. Um... well... um... I'm moving." Oh Ryô. We can see that. XD Then, they enter the dressing room. Someone complains that it's cold. Pi doesn't want to be filmed upside down. Ryô takes his dinner with him into the dressing room. Shige is fiddling with Tegoshi's hair.

Ryô: "As usual, Shigeyama-kun is doing Tegoshi-kun's make up. But it would be better if he did his own first ne."
As a result, Shige gets pixelized. XD

Koyama walks by zipping his pants. Ryô wants him to sing "Love addiction", but Koyama is embarrassed. Ryô films himself in the mirror. Ryô: "Oh, there's a good looking guy! Ah, it's me." ROTFL. Then Ryô wants to show us that he can polish the plate with his lunch in two minutes (instead we get to see a lot of naked leg because he's just wearing a bathrobe). Pi takes over the filming and the counting of seconds. Ryô starts stuffing his face (demanding some tea in between which Koyama gets him), but doesn't make it (even though Pi "helped" him), exclaiming: "It's impossible!!" Koyama comments he would have make it if not for the large rice bowl, Ryô wants to agree but just sprays rice everywhere because he still has his mouth full. XD

Cut to the concert hall. Everyone wants Shige to do the pep talk ("because you're born in Kansai"), but he doesn't get far before Pi takes over. While they go on stage, Shige complains about once more being teased. Cut to the MC part on stage. The audience congratulates Koyama on his graduation, but he tries to shush them saying that he hasn't called them yet, so he doesn't even know whether he's actually made it or not. So Ryô suggests he just get a phone and call there right now. Koyama hurries out (while saying that he's scared of the result) and comes back with a mobile. The others speculate that it would be great if they could congratulate him on stage, Ryô says even if he didn't pass, that would also be the best place to hear this and be cheered up again. Koyama: "Wah, I'm scared! My hands are shaking!" The audience yells: "Ganbatte!" Ryô answers: "There's no use to tell him that right now, it won't change anything!" We hear Koyama make a polite call to the university, he's so nervous!

Koyama: "YATTA!" Everyone cheers. Koyama to his prof: "Please excuse me, I'm in the middle of a concert right now. Thank you very much, goodbye!" I wonder what the prof thought. XD Ryô: "If you're honest, it's been bugging you all the time while you were singing, right." Koyama: "Yeah. I couldn't even sing 'Shock me'!" *laughs*

Next is Sendai. On the bus, Shige is wearing one of the ugliest hats I've ever seen (and continues to wear it all through the tour, much to my chagrin...),

....but he's sitting next to Kei-chan who's leaning in on Shige. ♥ Shige explains that it's now his turn to take over the camera. It's 07:46 in the morning. The shinkansen they have to take leaves the station on 07:56 and Shige wonders if they can make it in time. Shige: "The reason why we're late is, you know..." He turns the camera to the front seat where you see the distinctive hair styles of Tegoshi and Massu. Tegoshi seems to be sleeping on Massu's shoulder. Shige: "It's this head and that head." Koyama and Shige: "Who might that be? ... Miso su~pu ♪" Koyama: "We had miso soup for breakfast." They make it on time. Koyama bangs his head on the luggage rack. XD
Cut to the Sendai stage. They're rehearsing the flying parts. Shige wonders what to do since he has some free time on his hands. He talks to Tegoshi and confronts him about being late that morning.

Tegoshi explains that he didn't know who he would take the bus with, so when the manager told him he'd ride with Koyashige, he had to hurry. At that point Koyama disturbs him (Tegoshi: "Hey, I was talking!!") and Shige calls after him "Michael Jackson-san!" Koyama takes over because it's Shige's turn to fly, and remarks on Shige's leopard print hat.

Koyama: "Ah, he's flying. The guy with the disgusting leopard print hat is flying!"

Next we see Massu trying to balance a bottle on the rim of the drum stand.

He makes a pun: "Mizu shirazu." (Which means "a total stranger" on the one hand, but also "without knowing water".) Shige laughs and says that was a bad one.
Cut to the dressing room, where Massu is impressing everyone with his body control. I did a doubletake at Koyama who is just wearing a towel around his hips - we get to see lots of long and tanned Koya-leg! XD

(Koyama clapping, Massu doing a handstand balanced on two chairs)
Then, Ryô wants to try a handstand too, in his bathrobe - oh yeah, baby! Unfortunately, he doesn't get so far that his robe starts slipping down. Zannnen... *ggg* Koyama wants Shige to try it too, but Shige doesn't want to at first. Of course, he tries later on and totally fails.

Massu laughs about him just uselessly swinging back and forth. Next is Koyama - still in his white towel. *nosebleeds*

He can't do it, but that doesn't matter, he looks so HOT while trying that it all evens out. Aaaah! ♥_♥ I grinned at Shige praising Koyama's chest.

Next, we see Shige fiddling with his hair while he explains that they're in the middle of the concert right now, it's Tegoshi's solo at the moment. Shige uses his own uchiwa to show us: "Before! After." XD

On stage, Koyama explains that it means a lot to them to be back in Sendai, since that was their last concert before they stopped activities. The audience: "Okaeri!"
Can I use this space to squee over Tegoshi with a ponytail? Oh god, so cute!! It doesn't matter that he's ten years younger than me - waaaaaai! Cuuuute! *squees*

Just WHAT is that obscene gesture Pi makes with his tongue! Oi!
Koyama tries to leave and is stopped by the almost hysterical voice of a female staff member - he almost took the wrong curtain and would have exposed himself to the audience halfnaked. Not that the audience would have minded, I'm sure. *g* Walking to their dressing rooms, Massu says that when in Sendai, one has to eat beef tongue.
Next is Nagoya!

We see Tegoshi leaving his home (that's why the background is so blurred out) and getting into the transfer car.

He says he woke up early, did some voice training and is now leaving to go to the venue. They're picking up Shige next. They talk about Koyama who right now is attending his graduation ceremony. In the dressing room, everyone seems to be pretty tired. Pi is doing this obscene gesture with his tongue again. I had to laugh at Tegoshi and Massu rehearsing "Miso Soup"! When they were singing the line "Aitaku naru ne" ("I start missing you/wanting to meet you"), they are so far apart that you could take that as a true wish. XD Koyama and Ryô arrive. WHAT are Koyama and Shige doing there!? Having sex on stage. In the dressing room, Pi has the camera (and there's an ugly Louis Vuiton bag beside him, yuck). It's shortly before the start of the concert. Massu wears a horrible tanktop - it wouldn't look so bad if the shoulder straps were a bit farther apart.

Pi and Ryô take turns making the usual pre-concert announcement through the speakers which the staff usually make, and it's so funny because they keep misreading kanji. XD The staff member in the background is also grinning the whole time. LOL. Ryô laughs about Pi saying "zohi" instead of "zehi" - what the hell is "zohi"? XD

During the MC part, they congratulate Koyama on his graduation again, and he has brought his graduation certificate with him!

On the train, leaving Nagoya, Tegoshi explains that his duty with the camera is over and someone else will be taking over. He says he'll go home, give omiyage to his family, take a bath and go to sleep.

Next, Hiroshima. Massu takes over the camera, but has some problems with the zoom, which is why we just get a closer look at his blonde strands at first. XD

In the background, one can hear Ryô grunting - he and Pi are doing pushups.

Massu: "First, we have here the member with the entry number 36! Katô Shigeaki!" Shige is doing his hair which is sticking up in all directions. He's wearing the black Adidas tracksuit which he's always wearing on tour. Massu: "You look really good now that you cut your hair." Shige: "Thanks. But you're not really thinking that, are you." Massu: "I do." Massu: "Next, NEWS' representative, Nishikido Ryô!" Ryô is still doing pushups, Pi beside him. Pi makes a kiss towards the camera, and I just love how Massu goes "Oooh!" Outside, Koyama arrives who has caught a bad cold. The members are going very easy on him that day, taking care of him.
Shige looks worried.

The worst part must have been the flying - I can't imagine how I would feel if I had to do that while having a fever. Uwah.
With precautions taken against the virus -

- Tegoshige go visit poor Koyama. Or as Shige puts it, they're going to disturb him a bit. Tegoshi: "He's always taking such good care of me, I have to repay him." The door could be the door to a prison cell, the way it looks. And there is poor Kei-chan, with a coldpad against the fever, hugging the cutest pink hearted pillow I've ever seen! I want this pillow!!

They poke some fun at him but leave when they see that he's really exhausted. I don't know if I understood this correctly, but if I'm not mistaken, Koyama apologizes for taking Shige's (!) pillow.

More to come (if anyone is interested). :)
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