Akame picspam!

Aug 31, 2006 02:15

This entry is not modem-user friendly, since it contains 273 pictures, some quite big. So don't click the lj-cut if you have a slow internet connection! If you haven't - enjoy! ^_^ The pics are nothing special, just photos of Kame and Jin that I really like. The quality isn't the best for some, sorry!

I can see the sparks flying...

I like how T-TUN look at both of them! And don't look Kame and Jin as if they were chained together at the wrists? Also, note Kame's interesting nail design.

I don't know, but doesn't Kame's shirt look like Kôki had a fight with a needle and some cloth? ^^;

The things on Jin's arms look interesting. And what's that on Kame's shirt, Pirate Mickey? Jin used to make fun about Kame's love for Disney clothing. ^_^

Pretty Jin fingers!

Bakame! ^o^

Some boys can look pretty with lipgloss.

I like Jin's smile in this pic, it looks crooked somehow, but still!

Nice shirt, Kame. *smirks*

One of the rare pics of Jin with nail polish. Rare may be exaggerated, but I have the feeling he doesn't like nail polish all that much.

This pic looks so cute, it's a pity that I don't have it in better quality.

*goes crazy over Kame's collar bones*

They look so dead in this picture... and Kame can't have had black hair for long.

The "inbetween phase" - not boys, but not yet men.

Dorky. And not the best side of Kame!

Isn't it cute? Jin wears the chrome heart pendant that he wore for a long time, together with Pi.

It's so wrong somehow, and yet so fitting... *giggles*

I'm ready to start believing in Santa Claus again if I get two of them who look like that!

Together with their senpai Tackey. And they have exactly the same haircolor.

The patented Bakanishi grin.

*melts* How Kame looks up at Jin... ah... and their naked toes... the toes!

In their hotel room during a tour.

I wish I could make the text disappear. This is a perfect autumn picture, I just love the mood it conveys.

I guess Jin will forever be voted "Looks best in drag". *g*

On some pictures, Kame's hands look really small. Jin has the biggest hands in KAT-TUN!

Take note of the ring Jin wears on a chain around his neck, because...

I wanna read fanfic to this picture!

To this day, I still haven't decided if I find this pic funny or scary.

...remember the ring? On the chain?

*melts again*

Yeah uhuh, corrupting the kôhai!


But cute.

I LOVE this picture!

When we were young...

Celebrating their one-year-anniversary

Oh my. Puberty was pretty bad.

But it gradually got better. And Kame even stopped wearing safety pins around his neck.

Um, okay. I wish I could say that Kame has gained weight now, but though his shoulders have become broader, he's still skinny as hell.

For some reason, I think that Jin's smile used to be much more open and innocent when he was younger, while Kame's often was a little bit guarded. Jin's smile has lost its innocence, but I guess that's part of growing up.

The eyebrows. Wow.

Jin was really tanned in pictures around that time, he must have spent much time outside topless.

They're good in pretending. I don't think either can cook!


Again and again, I'm fascinated by the difference in nipple size.

Oh god, those shorts... Jin!

Nothing can compare to Tackey-senpai's washboard abs.

Tackey has always been very touchy-feely with the Juniors.

I didn't know one could use shampoo in an onsen...?

Poor guys... Jin >> Kame >> Nakamaru >> Junno >> Ueda >> Kôki

I don't know any other pic where Kame laughs like this. I'd love to hear him laugh like that.

I wonder who the poor guy drowning is? ^_^

Sorry, can't help it - the nipples!

Feed me!

One of my userpics. I think Kame looks adoring here.

I seem to have misplaced the other part of this photoshoot, where Kame actually feeds Jin with the spoon. So very cute.

Um, kiss...?

The kiss that neither of them wanted to do for the camera... not that I blame them.

Caught by oriki

The hair! LOL!

Purikura (printclub pics)

Just playing around...


I think they all look gorgeous in their yukata on these pictures.

Jin's favourite hat

It really is his favourite hat, he wears it a lot in private. (And got scolded by the fans for not having fashion sense - geez, japanese fans!!)


God, Kame's look and Jin's face... *melts again into little pink puddle of bliss*

Going for a walk...

I really want to know why Kame hugs a telephone pole.

Gokusen period and after

That's, um, really blonde, Jin...

Two samurai

*fans self hectically*

Having fun with styling

Those faces! ^o^

In bed

I just wish there wasn't this stupid folding crimp in the picture... it's so gorgeous.

The cross around Kame's neck looks exactly like one of the crosses Ueda owns. I wonder if he borrowed it?

On stage

The famous clinic skit on Shôkura. Jin makes a fabulous nurse, doesn't he?


In New York

I wish they could be like that again... *sighs*

Official photos

Jin's face cracks me up!

*fans self wildly* Ah, that look on Jin's face...

And you just gotta love him because he can look like a sexy beast in one moment and then convert right back to Bakanishi in the next. ^_^

"School days"



Fun with a trigger

Photoshopped pictures

The following pics are not really Akame, but I like them, so I thought I'd just include them in this post.

Waah, Jin looks SO cute here that I want to pinch his cheeks!

I think this is my most favourite, though blurry, pic of Kame. I can't even say exactly why.

They're all idiots. ^_^

Jin? Kôki?

Oh so very young...

I don't know who the girl is. But that doesn't make the pic less cute. ^_^

I hope you liked some of the pics!
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