Oct 21, 2009 18:06
Why is that when one thing goes wrong, everything else seems to fall apart? Geez, can I just get a freakin a break?? I don't know. Many it's a blessing in disguise..which I'm kindda hoping for cause any more of this crap I just might lose my mind lol.
And another thing..Why is that when someone keeps on asking for advise, you give it, they never take it, then you have to hear them complain that they are always getting hurt and get themselves in worse situations? I mean, what the hell! Am I talking to a brick wall?? What I don't seem to understand is that why do people LOVE to suffer? Cause seriously, if someone is doing you harm then why don't you let them go? Then it's the excuse that they "love them". Tell me..why do you love them? Do you love how they hurt you? Do you love how they are never there for you? Or do you love how they love someone else that's not you? Like I just don't get it. And its frustrating cause I want to help. I LOVE YOU and I WANT TO HELP YOU but if you're not willing to help yourself then I can't do anything. And what I can't stand that if you aren't going to listen to me then why keep asking me?! Shit, keep up with my problems is crazy enough but having to deal with others is rough lol and don't get me wrong, im all about helping a friend out cause I do it all the time but if you are going to throw away what I tell you cause its not what you want to hear, then (no offense) leave me alone lol