Hello everyone!
Last night we voted for officers for the 2006-2007 academic year. Congratulations to:
President: Nichole Aguiar
Vice President: Sarah Satterlee
Treasurer: Jen Magaw
Secretary: Amanda Gagnon
We have some important events coming up.
Saturday, April 22nd
Pro Choice Rallies in Boston and Worcester sponsored by the Planned Parenthood of Massachusetts from 1-3 pm
Project Undercover: We are still collecting children's socks, underwear, and diapers outside of Gaige 302.
Tuesday, April 25th
Our next meeting will be in the Unity Center at 7 pm. Come by and help us prepare for our rally being held on Thursday, May 4th in the quad. If you have any art supplies, please bring them, as we will be making signs.
Wednesday, April 26th
Dr. Meena Gopal, a professor at the Women’s University in Mumbai, India, will be on campus to speak on “Anxieties around Sex and Sexuality: Challenges before the Indian Women’s Movement.” Her research focuses on women’s waged work, women’s health, and the women’s movement in India. The talk will take place in Alger 103. Sponsored by the Women’s Studies Program and the Women’s Studies Organization.
Our flyer has been designed for the rally on May 4th.
Thank you, and we hope to see you on Tuesday night!
Amanda Gagnon / RIC WSO, Secretary