May 13, 2007 19:35
I was introducing Siobhan to a whole bunch of my RPG characters while in Scotland, and I ran across a whole string of them who could be summed up very easily by certain things they had said. Further, I dsicovered that there are some characters who I can't think of without thinking of certain things they've said. Sometimes, it's even something some one else said about them. I call this phenomenon the "Character-Defining Quote", and I thought I'd share as many as I could remember with you, because they please me:
"Having a brief break with the Catholic Church, be back after lunch." - Mariano (I've forgotten his name?)
"Maybe if I were a dragon, I'd like war better..."
*Thoughtful pause.*
"But if I were a dragon, war would come with snacks. Crunchy people snacks...I'm not a dragon, so I think cookies are better than war." - Creature
"I know it is not for me to question why -but why, God, why?" - Ahleffi
"I have magic powers." - Pitri
((More when I think of more.))
character defining quotes