Occaisionally at work I hit a day or two where I can't really do anything except wait for people to get back to me on things. So, I end up browsing the internet too much and even (gasp) posting things on livejournal. If this keeps up, I might even even bother logging into Facebook.
So, lessee..
- Milena and her friend Denise competed in a Case competition at her school. Basically they give you a fictional set of patient symptoms, test results, history, etc. and you have to identify what's wrong with them and what to do about it, which, given that this is Pharmacy school, usually involves a bunch of drugs that all have weird potential interactions and a patient who shouldn't take the obvious drug because they're a vegan recovering heroin addict with diabetes who's already on antidepressants and chemotherapy. Anyway Milena had a good feeling that her team nailed it, but wasn't sure until yesterday, when she found out that she won! $25 visa gift card and a reference book.
- John Edwards and Barack Obama both need to give their speechwriters bonus money for the endorsement show last night. Even if you don't buy that anyone can reduce poverty by half in ten years, theres some strong, well crafted inspiring rhetoric in there, along with a lot more policy meat than people give Obama credit for. Unfortunately, I can only find
video of Edwards' speech right now, and not Obama's intro or the speech he gave afterwards, which were as good or better.
Joe Biden calls Bush on his bullshit. Exact quote: "This is bullshit." I encourage establishing a standard exception to the taboo against using this word in public and on TV when the topic of conversation is George W. Bush. Maybe someone can ask the FCC.. oh, wait, Bush is still in charge of that. Damn.