
Apr 17, 2008 12:45

See… There's a reason why I decided to wait until after the first week of school to go have my hair dyed~. Unlike some people's other changes. <3 But the appointment's tonight, so we'll see.

It needs cut anyway.

Good news: I'm still taller than aniki. <3 ( Read more... )

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heliusrex April 17 2008, 17:39:08 UTC
Will you be putting blue in your hair?

Hm. You've given me an idea.


ribbonsandlaces April 17 2008, 17:42:27 UTC
I think so, yes~.

Oh? Should I be worried. <3

[ooc] He's such a... strange child. :\ *pats muse*


heliusrex April 17 2008, 17:46:03 UTC
Lovely. I expect to be the first you show. Send me a picture from your phone or somesuch.

Oh, without a doubt.

[ooc: they're two peas in a very strange pod, I assure you. >>; ]


ribbonsandlaces April 17 2008, 17:47:12 UTC
Well, I think my stylist will see it first, but I can see you a picture after I get done tonight. <3


[ooc] At least they get along? D:


heliusrex April 17 2008, 17:54:35 UTC
Very well. But I'm only taking second seat to your stylist.

Unless you'd like to help me. You might be able to dissaude me from causing too much trouble for everyone.

[ooc: Yeah. >>;]


ribbonsandlaces April 17 2008, 17:59:22 UTC
That I can do then~.

I could help. It's not like I'm doing anything besides getting my hair dyed and my racket restrung tonight.

[ooc] ...actually, that may not be comforting. >>; I swear, if Hyoutei ever gets leveled on accident, all eyes are going to be on the tennis club as to who is responsible. :D;


screened heliusrex April 17 2008, 18:01:40 UTC
Lovely. I propose a boot camp next Saturday (I believe it's the 26th). Not just for the first years who need to get a taste of the level of competition at Hyoutei, but also some of our lazy returning regulars.

[ooc: >>; No, I'm pretty sure one day school is just going to be canceled because the tennis club has somehow managed to overrun the school with wild boars, or something like that.]


Re: screened ribbonsandlaces April 17 2008, 18:11:59 UTC
Part of me wants to know how I helped inspire this but...

I don't see why not. It would certainly get everyone back into the routine. We'd need someplace to take everyone, unless we want to stay here, and drills and such then~.

[ooc] ...I wouldn't be surprised. :\ (And why do I think these two especially can be positively evil when they are plotting? D:)


screened heliusrex April 17 2008, 18:16:42 UTC
Synapses firing randomly while talking to you, I imagine.

The courts here should be suffcient. We'll have to spring it on everyone at the last minute, though. Perhaps not even tell them what they're in for until they arrive that day.

[ooc: >>; I get the feeling everyone is going to hate them after this.]


Re: screened ribbonsandlaces April 17 2008, 18:21:13 UTC
That does tend to happen. ^_^;

Works fine to me. Less travel time, more training. And there's nothing wrong with the element of surprise~.

[ooc] Oh yes... But it's for their own good. Uhm. Sorta? :D;


Re: screened heliusrex April 17 2008, 18:24:21 UTC
I would appreciate your help in orginizing everything. Can you stay after practice for a few minutes next Friday to help me set up everything?


Re: screened ribbonsandlaces April 17 2008, 18:25:56 UTC
Easily, sure.


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