[ OoC: and here comes the appology ]

Sep 04, 2004 22:35

I'm so sorry I've been absent so much from the RP guys. I really am. I feel so dirty x_x like I've been cheating or soemthing. Wahh,forgive me,forgive Miho-chan too!

It's just..school and band..have been really taking alot out of me. I'm serious. I slept the ENTIRE day today as a result of being over worked [ i woke up an hour ago x_o; ]... i promise I'll try to be more active, but my schoolwork,grades,and band-ness are very important to me. And then there's the emotional stress I'm constantly putting myself under because of this one boy. . .

I don't even get LABOR DAY off. I've got a parade to go to and perform at.

Please forgive me..and please,if you could..fill me in on what I've missed? Esepcially between Isis and Kaiba. TELLMETELLME! *flails around* i fear i've missed some breaking information that wouldn't be right for Miho to have missed! *sniffl*
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