"Every psychologist I know is batshit crazy because he doesn’t listen to his own advice." - Tony V.

Nov 04, 2008 02:48

[to protect the innocent, all you need to know is that somebody in dire straights came to me for help, and this was my e-response (so far)...i'm not exactly sure why, but i need to post this. any minor editing was done to protect the anonymity of said person ( Read more... )

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ribald November 10 2008, 05:50:08 UTC


enigma74 August 3 2009, 18:08:01 UTC
Ah...’tis so much weird, surreal fun reading Our pre-relationship interactions. It's so strange Now to think We were "just friends" once...


ribald August 4 2009, 04:13:45 UTC
i feel like a blind douchebag asking y 'goodbuddy jen' if she thought my date was cute...well, these days no one catches me soliciting validation of my date...these days i KNOW.


enigma74 August 4 2009, 04:28:46 UTC

I Love You, too. Jamila was a cutiepants, though. *wink*


ribald September 22 2015, 07:53:59 UTC
doubly, no, exponentially weird now that we've got a shredded marriage waiting on finalization of the paperwork to provide dirt on the grave...bitter-sounding, but the reality is that i still Love You n' always will (and don't doubt the reciprocity) - THAT much hasn't changed.


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