Hush... Hush.. The Dreamer Is Watching!
I think today, particularly today was a simple day. It rained the whole day. Yay! I was so happy. Well, not really. Because the fact that I have to wake up at 5.30am as usual to get bro's breakfast done as well as do the clean up. Well, after that, after mom left that is, I snuck up to bed and dozed off. Hoho... Tell me about dead sleep.
So, anyway, I woke up 30 minutes later. And I thought I slept a decade already. Being so bored, (it was around I went down and continued playing DMC again, and also, game over 20 times again. Argh... So, feeling mighty bored, I messaged P-chan and asked him if he was free. Poor boy, I even bugged him sleeping. But, being a sweet guy, he said yes he was. He sent me way to the post office to pay some bills and then we went for a short drive, before his dad called. Sigh...
What else, of course I slept again. Hoho..
About my matrix form. Setelah ages looking for a saksi. I finally found one. Hoho... Of courselah. Since they say pekerja kerajaan, my auntie lah I ask. Apa susah. Im so good!