Tomorrow is my 3 month follow up of my surgery. I have to have another contrast MRI (injection with some strange substance that shows up better in MRI, then staying very very very still for an hour and a half while laying on my chest with at least one arm straight out above my head ah la Superman... yeah, fun times. Not.) Then the actual follow up with the surgeon. Then, if I get out of the hospital on time, a hair cut. I'm thinking of cutting the vast majority of my hair clean off. The current debate is whether to leave any length at all (see asymmetrical bob, rather than short spike). Anyone got recommendations?
I owe you all so much fic. Like probably at least 3 chapters now. The good news is tomorrow, I should be posting something. The other (bad?) news is that it won't be Double Bluff, but rather a long overdue NCIS/White Collar crossover from a charity auction a while back. It's relatively short, but boy did it take me a while to write something where I was satisfied with all the different characters actually being in character. Crossovers are hard, man! But really fun in the end, and easy to make funny just by juxtaposition of different people. Just you wait, when Double Bluff is done, I'm totally starting the huge crossover fic of doom that my brain has been quietly writing on the back burner for months. Anyway, something to look forward too if you read NCIS and White Collar, a nice little 2K fic that I hope to post tomorrow evening.
Double Bluff is being ornery again. Sigh. I've re-written the next chapter about 6 times now, and it's still not working. I'll figure it out. Maybe if I finally get a laptop I'll hide away during the Christmas holiday writing it while I'm supposed to be home with family. That could be fun. Then again, I spent last Christmas holiday drawing my NCIS advent chibis... so maybe my family won't find me typing that weird. (Who am I kidding, of course they'll find it weird, they think everything about me is weird.)
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