Could I just sleep through tomorrow?

Oct 19, 2011 21:20

I was so tired all day today, that I was actually falling asleep at nearly every opportunity. I dozed off at work in the morning, sitting at my desk. It's a good thing my boss didn't come in until afternoon, and the only person who shares the room with me is VERY close mouthed about everything (she also doesn't like me, but she's not particularly vindictive about it, so it's unlikely she'll tell people I was seconds away from passing out on the desk unless directly asked).

I also fell asleep on both my metro trip into the city, and my afternoon trip home. I usually do the first one about half the time, but the second one is a rarity. I'm yawning as I type. Sigh. I have no idea why I'm this tired. I slept last night and everything. And yet still, I nearly passed out on my bed the first 30 seconds I was home. Man, that mile walk home from the metro was... Really. Fucking. Long. Today.

My good news for the day is that despite this, I did get a few more paragraphs of Double Bluff done, in between work when I was actually awake. I also did laundry (which was what I dragged myself out of bed for 40 seconds after I got home before I could actually fall asleep). I haven't yet paid the hospital bill I need to pay, or sent the paperwork all properly filled out back to the student loan people. Which, I really need to do.  You know how it is... also need to take out the trash, clean the litter box, get my hair cut, go to the gym every day... it's a long list. :-D

Right now, I think I'll start with going to bed early tonight. Goodnight, lovelies!

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