You would think the surgery thing would be the bigger pain in the ass...

May 29, 2011 01:23

'>But no, the headache that won't die is totally winning. And while the painkillers work on the post surgery ow, they don't seem to impact the headache at all. I've always had unusually drug resistant headaches... but they aren't migraines. I have no explanation. I am apparently a unique fragile fucking flower. Kitty really has not gotten the repeated memo to not step on my chest. I swear, I'd toss him across the room, but I'm not supposed to lift him for 3 weeks.

Sorry to bitch at you all! It's been a heck of a week for me. I hate being such a downer, but it makes me feel so much better to get this stuff off my chest that I tend to just toss it out there. I swear I'm not really a 13 year old writing bad poetry at the world... except sometimes I do write poetry too. I like to think it's at least good poetry, but only time will tell.

Just to be ornery, I'd also like to register a complaint with the fashion police. WTF is this shit?   I mean, this? This is not even worthy of Project Runway. So, you made a tank top, and you added confectionery? What is she, a CAKE? And to top it off, you didn't even feel the need to make it symmetrical, or at least flattering confectionery? I adore ruffles... but this is to good ruffles what a punch in the face is to an otherwise already bad day. Unnecessary in the extreme.

While we're at it... who decided this was a good idea?  Was there a reason they decided she needed rivets? And could you have made them any smaller so that it's almost impossible to tell what it is while viewing online? I just need to know, are Daleks our fashionistas now? Because I'd like to go back to being inspired by the First Lady, if that's the case (not that Daleks aren't cool... they just aren't attractive). At least even though I can't actually wear or look good in the fashions she brings to the table, I won't look like I tried to hold myself together with metal pins (and turn myself into a perfect mathematical grid while I was at it... how much you wanna bet it took all fucking morning to take that picture with all those rivets so perfectly distributed? Or, ya know, photoshop.) I can't help but think she is studded for his pleasure... and now I apologize for giving you that image, though I still think the sentence itself is fucking hysterical on way too many levels (but I am easily amused remember).

For this particular picture, I don't actually want to kill the garment in question. They look like perfectly okay, if somewhat utilitarian, pants. Except... why did they pick this picture? First off, the "I'm standing firm, goddammit!" pose is never really flattering to sell pants. Second, I'm alarmed by her lack of arms, even as I'm more alarmed by how the cropping looks so arbitrary as to negate the whole top half of her body, and yet, it's clearly NOT a mannequin.  Plus, they've done the camera angle in such a way that she looks oddly foreshortened (so very NOT a good look for those shoes either!). And last, but not least, they either didn't steam the pants after taking them out of the box, or did iron the pants, but didn't pay attention to matching the pleats, or she's just fat enough to totally negate the pleats as they hit near the tummy (which actually does happen, but it's not the look to aim for).

Okay, I know, I'm being a bitch about a rather nice pair pants. I might even buy them. I just can't help but be aggrieved by the fact that they never seem to bother to take nice pictures of plus sized clothing unless it's done in a totally airbrushed and unrealistic manner.  I want GOOD plus sized fashion, but I could really leave the expectations demanded by the smaller sized fashion world behind, thanks. In fact, I think the fashion world in general should rearrange its expectations, but I know I'm pretty much alone in that.

Alright, one last parting comment. Can someone tell me how you wash this? Because first run through, even hand washing, I see that chain being a B. I. T. C. H.  I also see it totally catching on the sequins. Also, sequins and chains? I hate to be the first one to point out that the 80's called, but they did indeed leave a message and they would like their theme back.

Edit: Sigh, Lane Bryant apparently won't allow me to direct link... so I put the images in instead. All images originally found at, and copyright them. I'm just borrowing them to mock them unduly. 

general update, simply fabulous darling, who cares

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