I'm all stressed and worried about some stupid stuff, and some legit stuff, but I'm not doing what I should be doing and sleeping... so I decided the best way to cheer myself up was youtube... and kittens. Having found a great bounty of smiles, I share it with you all.
The one that looks almost exactly like my cat when he was a baby, and now I wish I'd had a remote control mouse too The one the proves if you have a fort, you need to make the walls higher than your head... or you will get your ears chewed on.
The one that is nothing but fluff and cuteness (there should be little sparkle hearts and stars floating around, there aren't, but there should be) also... watch out, center stage is totally ready for his close up
The one that shows you exactly how cool cats really are when they move... also, rar! and toes!
The one that shows that giving kittens spots and racing stripes, clearly makes them FAST
The one that shows SOME cats actually like water... a lot. (Total youtube classic this, I know I've seen it a million times, but it's so cute!) The very best of Kitten + box = ENTERTAINMENT If you ignore it, it will go away, right? No? Perhaps a more direct approach? Or the one with the cat owners who really should stop laughing and consider helping, dignity is at stake here!
Reverse whack a mole? World's biggest cat toy? A fun afternoon of family entertainment?
For the dog fans, have
one or
two awesome balloon popping Jack Russells