Inspired by China_shop's
Fic "Recreational Flirting" I decided to see if I could fake a charcoal sketch using Photoshop instead of charcoal. Of course, I was actually in the mood to do a charcoal sketch, but found I had no charcoal in the house, so Photoshop had to do.
Attempt number 1: Slightly more realistic, but with an arm that I couldn't figure out how to pose, so it ended up in a sort of performer like flourish. Loved that I was able to fake the dark soft look of applying tons of charcoal to the paper.
Attempt number 2: Got a bit more abstract with this one, but also a tad more sexy I thought. Loved doing the black and white placement for texture and character.
It was really fun to try and do a figure study again, though challenging to do it without an actual figure to study. I think I really need to do more figure drawing again.
And, as usual, if embedded image doesn't work for some reason, it can also be found here:
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