Sep 28, 2006 16:13
So, I've decided, after a little bit of thought, and mostly the compulsiveness that is my existence, that I have fully given up on this livejournal. I'm not going to delete it, becuase there are fully 2 years worth of my life here, and they were really good/bad years. But the sad thing is that I'm really not that person anymore. I don't even talk to most of the people that read or read this. And, I can't make up some stupid post about making out with someone that I've never, and never intend on meeting, like Benji, because I've grown out of that, sad little illusion. It was nice while it lasted, because I could use that as a cover up for how incredibly lonely I was, and that worked. But, like I said, I'm in a different place now. I have an actual life and actual love, that I didn't have to cheat or steal to get. But I honestly can't remember the last thing that I put on here that was really worth the time it took me to type it, so I don't think I'm going to try anymore; because what's the point in talking to yourself, right? It just makes you look crazy, and feel even worse. So, I'm done talking to myself. And I hope you get it, and it not that's okay. Maybe I'll come back every now and then, but if I don't, I doubt there will be much of a loss to any of you.