☘ 019; [action/phone]

Dec 28, 2011 22:47

[A; action; 1335 Benny Rd.]
[What a mess things had been. Lancer hated, hated when this place dared to play with something as precious as his memories. If he hadn't been aware enough to realize something wasn't quite right, he could easily have killed Rin. And if he had done that again, for such a foolish reason...how could he ever live with ( Read more... )

dropkicking misery in the face, adamantium woobie, bother bother bother, fml, shiny new armor, lancer you are stupid, dammit rin

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B labarbebleue December 29 2011, 07:45:27 UTC
[Although his Eye for Art skill is dismal at best, this robed man draws parallels from this Lancer to the one he has dealt with in his Holy Grail War. They are not the same person, of course, but the similarities are enough to remind him much of the bitterness that he felt after having his path to reclaiming Jeanne barred.

Caster gives Lancer a cold look.]

... And just what is it that elicits such a proud smile if I may ask?


riastrad_ridire December 29 2011, 16:34:15 UTC
What, a guy can't just smile anymore?


labarbebleue December 29 2011, 16:49:27 UTC
You smile as you look at me. Therefore, there must me something about my form that amuses you. Are you so easily entertained...?


riastrad_ridire December 29 2011, 16:50:31 UTC
Usually, yeah.

[all these fucks and he gives none of them.]

You looking to start a fight?


labarbebleue December 29 2011, 17:01:50 UTC
That nerve of yours is annoyingly familiar. ... You have been summoned within the vessel of Lancer. Or at the very least, you bear some resemblance to that other wretched dog in green.


riastrad_ridire December 29 2011, 17:04:43 UTC
Yeah, I'm a Lancer alright. And the one you're talking about is a good friend of mine, so why don't you shut your mouth before I take it upon myself to rearrange your ugly face.

My name is Cú Chulainn, and I suggest you watch just who you're calling a dog.


labarbebleue December 29 2011, 17:12:24 UTC
I'm afraid that I could not be less interested in what your name is. It might as well be Nuisance for it's clear that that is the role you will serve me in these coming times during our stay in this town.

... Hmph. But it has been enlightening to know that the other fool is here as well. It very well may be God's trick that we should be forced to meet...


riastrad_ridire December 29 2011, 17:15:45 UTC
You must be from the Fourth War too...a Caster, by the looks of you. [Too scrawny to be anything else, really.]

I thought I told you to shut your damn mouth about him. If you start insulting the fourth Lancer, I might just stop being so pleasant.


labarbebleue December 29 2011, 17:23:58 UTC
Yes, that is correct. You may call me Bluebeard.

[He certainly won't give out his true name and he has no wish to, but with that name alone, it may be easy to figure his identity out before asking the other Servants.]

Pleasant? Why, yes, I suppose if we've managed to hold ourselves from clashing, that's as close to pleasant as we can possibly become.

Very well, if you are so easily affected by words.


riastrad_ridire December 29 2011, 17:28:18 UTC
...guess you come from a time before sarcasm, huh?

Easily affected? Hardly. But if you're going to stand there and run your mouth about someone that's a better knight than either of us, I won't just stand by and ignore it.


labarbebleue December 29 2011, 17:33:06 UTC
... What relation do you have to him? You speak of him as if he was more than just an ally.


riastrad_ridire December 29 2011, 17:35:59 UTC
He's my friend, not that it is any business of yours.


labarbebleue December 29 2011, 17:45:23 UTC
Your admiration of him is quite impressive... for just a friend.


riastrad_ridire December 29 2011, 17:47:36 UTC
This is your last chance to shut your mouth before I knock a few teeth loose.

[...weird, was he getting a headache? When did Servants ever get headaches? Tch, this guy was getting to him way too much, Lancer was letting himself get angry over some stupid Caster with a smart mouth.]


labarbebleue December 29 2011, 17:54:39 UTC
If you would wish to be the first to point your lance at me, then go ahead. But the thought of wasting my effort putting together a banquet for someone so unworthy is beneath me.

[Indeed, there was no artistic merit to specifically targeting Lancer. If he should be involved somehow, then he will be just one of the many casualties for a greater feast. As of now, Lancer wasn't worth it and Caster had no intention of fighting unless the man in blue should attack first. From that point on, it's self-defense.]

And you sound as if you consider him something of a brother.


riastrad_ridire December 29 2011, 17:56:47 UTC
And if I do? What's it matter to you?


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