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C murderpuppy September 20 2011, 00:00:59 UTC
[Isn't that person over there familiar, Lancer? That little person with blond hair who's doubled over, breathing hard as though winded, with an arm wrapped around his middle?]

[He's not winded, though.]

[hunger hunger hunger hunger hunger]


riastrad_ridire September 20 2011, 00:03:59 UTC
[Finally, dammit.]

Connla? Where the hell've you been, kid?

[...okay wait a second, something didn't seem totally right here.]


murderpuppy September 20 2011, 02:00:24 UTC
[Something wasn't totally right here.]

[It really wasn't.]

[hunger hunger hunger]


riastrad_ridire September 20 2011, 02:03:36 UTC
...Connla? What's...?

[Oh fuck. Oh fuckfuckfuckfuck not him too.]


murderpuppy September 20 2011, 02:08:58 UTC

[Connla looked up.]

[The flesh of his face was already starting to rot.]

[hunger hunger hunger]


riastrad_ridire September 20 2011, 02:20:08 UTC


[The cursed lance appeared in his hand with a small rush of magical energy, Lancer's eyes focused sharply on the opponent in front of him. He had to think of him that way.]

[Otherwise he'd want to just turn and run away, and that was something Lancer could never do.]


murderpuppy September 20 2011, 03:44:21 UTC

[Those eyes were fixed on Lancer.]

Cu... Chulainn.

[hunger hunger hunger hunger]

[It hurt, it hurt to resist but he didn't want to give in to the horrible, sickening desire to tear into flesh and gorge. There was still a little in him that could fight.]


riastrad_ridire September 20 2011, 03:57:23 UTC
...hey, kid.

[He gave a shaky and forced smile, grip tightening on his lance. Goddammit, why was everything going wrong today?]


murderpuppy September 20 2011, 04:17:30 UTC
I think... Aunt Scathach... would be very angry with me if she knew... that I was bit by a dead man.

[It's because you can't have nice things, Lancer.]


riastrad_ridire September 20 2011, 04:26:15 UTC
...it's alright. I won't tell her if you won't.


murderpuppy September 20 2011, 04:31:57 UTC
I think... that would be okay.

[Lancer is looking less like a person and more like prey. The sick hunger kicks it up a notch past anything Connla ever thought possible. It is hard to breathe, hard to think, hard to keep himself as himself when it would be so much easier to give in.]

You're going to... kill me, aren't you? I promise... I won't be angry this time. I just don't want... to end up like those... monsters.


riastrad_ridire September 20 2011, 04:38:52 UTC
I won't let that happen. I'm...supposed to protect you, right. So even if this is all I can do...I swear I won't let that happen.

[So why was he hesitating?]


murderpuppy September 20 2011, 04:47:45 UTC
Thank you.

[He smiled, even though his face was going putrid and he had already become something horrible. At least he wasn't going to have to fight against an irresistible force so that he wouldn't attack or kill innocent people or, worse, someone he cared for.]

[Everyone would be safe from him. And that was good.]

You don't have... to wait. I'm not afraid of dying. I've done it before... remember?

Just... please don't tell Rin. I think she might be upset.


riastrad_ridire September 20 2011, 05:01:43 UTC
I remember. Believe me, I never forgot.

[His grip tightened on the cursed Noble Phantasm--he couldn't even bring himself to properly activate it. Not against him, not for a second time.]

I won't tell her...I can promise that much.

[There was really no getting around it. And hesitating would only make Connla suffer that much more, wouldn't it? So...he'd just have to finish it now.]

[Lancer closed the distance between them in less than a second, lance flashing out in one swift strike at the heart of the only family he had.]


murderpuppy September 20 2011, 05:18:16 UTC
[The lance struck home, embedding itself in Connla's heart, just as it always did.]


[It hurt just like he remembered, that sharp point of agony buried in his chest, but it was better to have that pain than to live with the gnawing hunger and know that he wouldn't be able to control it forever.]

[Connla fell.]

[He was still smiling.]


riastrad_ridire September 20 2011, 05:42:52 UTC

[If anyone that had known Lancer when he was alive said that he had cried on the days he'd killed Ferdiad and Connla, he would have denied it to his dying breath. He would have insisted otherwise, because knights didn't have the luxury of being so emotional.]

[It would have been one of the few lies he ever told.]

[There had been something building up in the back of his mind for a long time in Mayfield, something he couldn't give a name to. He didn't know if it started with Bazett's droning or with the nightmares that accompanied his human body, but there was some inexplicable and intangible weight that just kept getting heavier as things got worse.]

[He should have been able to handle it. Culann's Hound was no weakling. But ever since he'd been forced to mercykill Rin he knew it was getting to be too much. Diarmuid's death had just made it that much worse.]

[But now? Now that history repeated itself, now that he'd done for a second time the one thing that ever made him feel actual regret? That weight made something in the ( ... )


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