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Action B like a boss. mapo_trollfu July 21 2011, 02:37:42 UTC
[Maybe, just maybe, Lancer's luck really did raise slightly.]

[Because guess who's out behind the church, seeming unaware of any other presences nearby? It's Lancer's ~*Favorite Person Ever*~ He's standing, still as death itself, with his eyes closed. Meditating, perhaps? Who knows, with that one.]

[...But that leaves him wide open.]

>Abscond ]


riastrad_ridire July 21 2011, 02:41:27 UTC

[Because how can he not.]

[Lancer shifted into spirit form, the devilish grin on his face obviously going unseen as he kicked a rock at Kotomine's head.]

[He didn't honestly expect it to connect, but it was worth a shot.]


mapo_trollfu July 21 2011, 02:54:25 UTC
[Well, you were close...]

[But Kirei, being Kirei, reacts at the last second. There's a painful crunch as he bats the rock away, but he seems to take no notice or care of his now-injured hand, folding it behind his back once more.]

[After a few moments, he'll speak up.] ...If you wish to speak, by all means, I am listening.


riastrad_ridire July 21 2011, 02:57:15 UTC
You shouldn't make yourself such an obvious target, Kotomine. That could just as easily have been a knife.

[Materializing with a smirk, Lancer spoke in a calmly arrogant tone.]


mapo_trollfu July 21 2011, 03:04:51 UTC
Indeed. I would certainly find myself at a loss to defend myself. With the day growing old and sun setting, my only recourse would be to die and wait for the next day, would it not?

[tl;dr - idgaf. He turns to look at the offending trollHeroic Spirit.]

I see you've regained your status as a Servant, Lancer. Need I ask who your Master is?


riastrad_ridire July 21 2011, 03:06:08 UTC
Or we could all get lucky and you wouldn't come back at all.

If you know, then you don't need to ask. And if you don't, I won't be the one to tell you.


mapo_trollfu July 21 2011, 03:14:23 UTC
What would be worse, I wonder. Myself here, as myself. Or myself, the drone, attempting to treat you as a life-long friend.


riastrad_ridire July 21 2011, 03:15:49 UTC
I guess you wouldn't remember the time I knocked out a couple of that drone's teeth. Pretty damn funny, to be honest. I'd been wanting to punch you in the face for way too long.


mapo_trollfu July 21 2011, 03:24:36 UTC
No, I would not. I remember nothing from my previous stay here, up until the time you and I first traded pleasantries: roughly a month ago.

[He shrugs slightly.]


riastrad_ridire July 21 2011, 03:26:30 UTC
What a shame. Oh, well--guess if I get lucky for a change I'll get a chance to do it again. And this time you'll actually remember it.


mapo_trollfu July 21 2011, 03:32:31 UTC
Time will tell, I suppose.

I hesitate to ask; do you have business here, or was the purpose of your visit to remind a single mortal of his place? [No sarcasm, no curiosity. It could barely be called a question, and yet it is.]


riastrad_ridire July 21 2011, 03:43:40 UTC
Oh, I'm sure you know how it is. Wandering by, see a guy I hate, figure I might as well try to make him miserable.


mapo_trollfu July 21 2011, 03:51:21 UTC
Not quite - while I admit there are those whom I dislike, or perhaps feel are an enemy, hatred is an emotion I've never had the luxury of feeling.


riastrad_ridire July 21 2011, 03:53:09 UTC
Y'know, that's the funny thing, I can say the same.

Or I could. Pretty sure you're turning into a special case.


mapo_trollfu July 21 2011, 03:58:03 UTC
You say that as though you have yet to make up your mind. Well, that would give me the chance to sort my own thoughts on the matter. On one hand, there are few who could claim to evoke such a reaction from a figure such as yourself. On the other, in any other location it would contribute greatly towards a dramatically reduced life-span.


riastrad_ridire July 24 2011, 22:27:57 UTC
Yeah. I'm really not a guy whose bad side you want to be on, in case you hadn't noticed.


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