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B; partytoastess July 7 2011, 09:34:20 UTC
[ Someone is a bit startled at the sight of Lancer bloodying his hands. Nena's immediate reaction is to freak out ]

B-bro....W-what's wrong?!

[ She seems to be lingering in a place between horrified and despaired. She'll just look at his hands and then cringe before her face turns from devastated to furious - though if any talk with Lancer previously indicated, Nena would never be angry at him, or wrathful to this extent. ]


riastrad_ridire July 7 2011, 11:46:50 UTC
...Rin's droned. She was acting weird on the fourth, but I thought she'd have snapped out of it by now.

[His voice was surprisingly calm for someone that'd just broken two fingers punching something.]

Why are you looking at me like that?


partytoastess July 8 2011, 09:03:18 UTC
Rin will be back. She can't leave because she promised to be my friend forever!!

[ And now, Lancer, you get to see just how terrifying Nena is. Her face quickly turns into one of the most furious faces that have ever existed. ]

I am going to find Lucy Smith and tear that bitch's throat out for troubling you! Whoever is responsible for this droning is going to die!


riastrad_ridire July 8 2011, 13:05:08 UTC

[He couldn't really say that shocked him. There'd always been something off about Nena, not to mention Lancer kind of had a history of associating with crazy women.]

Don't. You'll only get hurt, you know that.


partytoastess July 9 2011, 08:22:01 UTC
I don't care. [ You don't mess with (supposed) family, okay!? She is still irate before asking ]

Ummm, are Rinny's regains still around?


riastrad_ridire July 9 2011, 12:26:41 UTC
I don't know. I didn't really get a chance to look with that idiot Archer in the house.


partytoastess July 10 2011, 09:07:49 UTC
Did she make anything with her powers?! Cause if she did and it still exists, it's not permanent.


riastrad_ridire July 10 2011, 16:24:19 UTC
I don't know, Nena. I can't really think of anything.


partytoastess July 10 2011, 20:39:31 UTC
She'll be back eventually. She seems like the unlucky type that everything she doesn't happens to her, and everything she does want rarely happens or is about to happen before it goes into do not want territory.


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