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B sanctusdei June 28 2011, 11:56:22 UTC
[Hey there, have a half-drunk Theo wandering up to your table. Don't mind him - he remembers Lancer from his previous stay here. They actually managed to get along, somehow.]

Hey. There you are. Thought you fell off the face of Earth. Mayfield. Whatever.


riastrad_ridire June 28 2011, 19:18:40 UTC

[He glanced up, faintly confused; Lancer thought he was done with running into people that apparently knew him.]

Have we met?


cuz his mun kept forgetting to tag him sooner, sob sanctusdei June 28 2011, 23:59:43 UTC
[He looks confused. He'd figure out the answer if he wasn't so tipsy.]

What? 'Course we have. Not like I know a bunch of guys with long blue hair or somethin'.


awww ;3; riastrad_ridire June 29 2011, 00:01:23 UTC
Sorry, you don't look that familiar. When'd we last talk to each other?


sanctusdei June 29 2011, 00:04:07 UTC
I know it's been awhile, but it hasn't been that long. Has it?


riastrad_ridire June 29 2011, 00:06:01 UTC
I don't have a damn clue, kid. Has it?


sanctusdei June 29 2011, 00:41:37 UTC
Well maybe, but not that--

[NOW it dawns on him.] Wait, they didn't wipe your mind, or bring you back, or whatever it is they do, did they?


riastrad_ridire June 29 2011, 00:45:05 UTC
Good, you caught on. And as far as I know, I've only been here since March.


sanctusdei June 29 2011, 00:46:55 UTC
[HE slams his hands down on the bar in surprise.] Since March?!

....Maybe I do need to get outta the house more.


riastrad_ridire June 29 2011, 00:49:55 UTC
Sure as hell looks like it.

So you mind giving me a reintroduction, or should I just guess as to who the hell you are?


sanctusdei June 29 2011, 03:03:41 UTC
[This happens too often to Theo. People leaving, people coming back with no idea who he is. Even though he stays away from most people. It's only one of the myriad reasons he hides in his study all day.]


Theo Crawford.


riastrad_ridire June 29 2011, 05:30:32 UTC
Guess I don't need to give you my name.

...Though I'm wondering just which name it was you knew me by.


sanctusdei June 29 2011, 17:33:22 UTC
Cú Chulainn. You have a lot of names or something? Hnn.


riastrad_ridire June 29 2011, 17:35:42 UTC
Most people just call me Lancer. Though being secretive about my real name is pretty much pointless around here, so whatever. Not like I really care.


sanctusdei June 29 2011, 23:22:48 UTC
Considering it's probably what's on your mailbox anyway.

I also know that you're a Servant. At least you were the last time you were here.


riastrad_ridire June 29 2011, 23:24:54 UTC
Damn, did I ever shut my mouth last time I was here?

[>implying you know how to shut up, lancer?]


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