☘ 008; [phone]

Jun 17, 2011 13:21

[The really fun thing about being Cu Chulainn (in his own opinion, naturally) was, among other weird and superhuman nonsense, the fact that his alcohol tolerance was through the roof. When he was alive, Lancer could have drank enough to kill any human and probably would have barely stumbled.]

[That was not the case here. While Lancer in a human body was no lightweight, he might as well have been compared to his usual tolerance.]

[And Mayfield, do you know what else?]

[Ancient Ireland had no concept of drunk dialing.]

[phone; evening]

Y'know...y'know what? I should prrrroooobably be angry. I really should. Dunno if I should be angry at myself or Mayfield, but I should be angry at somethin'. 'Cause...man, this whole thing is crazy. Bazett's droned, Kotomine's kicking around doin' whatever creepy stuff he does in his downtime, I'm still a human, and oh yeah! My own kid hates me!

[Sounding awful chipper there, Lancer.]

Eh, screw it. Complainin's pointless--least he's here and alive, right? Let him hate me, kid's got every right to after the shit I pulled. Hey, you humans ever been punched by a demigod? Hurts like hell, seriously. Wouldn' rec-..recom-... Don't do it. Let's go with that.


...Shit, I'm drunk.

tfln, nope still human, really dumb fo' real, what what what are you doing, drunk dialing, look at your life look at your choices

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