Nov 23, 2009 16:06
I copied and pasted what i posted at OCK.
" Well I can't remember very well, but here is what happened on September 18, 2009:
My heart was thumping so hard because i thought i was going to be late for the Meet and Greet (BE SURE TO READ YOUR EMAIL THOROUGHLY BECAUSE I ALMOST DIDN'T GET THE WRISTBAND UNTIL MY SISTER POINTED OUT THAT I NEEDED TO CHECK IN AT THE BOX OFFICE). so we actually waited for an hour until someone got us. they took my fabric markers and said they would hold them (but grr they threw them away instead). walked a long way to backstage where there was a table with four chairs. We got in a line and I was so nervous my teeth were chattering, but talking to the girl next to me calmed me down (and it was hot, so i would have been taking a nap had i been at home).
then down the path walk PATRICK, ANDY, JOE, AND PETE. i only cried for a few seconds this time.
I go up to table just staring at Patrick.
girl hands Patrick letter.
me: AAHHH! oh no! that's what i forgot! i was always thinking i was going to write you a letter but i forgot. (rambles or quiet when nervous)
Patrick: Hi!
me: hi... *hands over picture*
Patrick: cute drawing.
me: my cousin drew it. she wants your autographs. (that's ALL I SAID????)
real quick like i pull out shirt
me: this is for you, Andy
Andy says something i don't remember.
Joe: oh, it's ice cream!
me: it's your head as an ice cream...scoop...of ice cream...
the picture gets to Joe.
Joe: why am i short??
Pete something like: dude, why are you so short??
me: i know!! my cousin drew it! i told her you're the tallest one and she didn't want to change it.
Joe has the best signature. :]
Pete says something i don't remember.
me: and this is a picture of you from last thursday.
Pete: do you want it signed?
me not wanting to get in trouble: umm...i don't know! ...if you can! thank you!!
Andy puts the tshirt on himself for everyone's picture!!!! ^-^
Patrick stands there adorably. When it's my turn i stand there and say "do i put my bag on the floor? am i supposed to?"
security says "you can if you want, and if you do no one is going to steal it (giggle giggle)"
me: i'll just keep it on
I go straight to Patrick.
me: can i have a hug please?
Patrick: yeah!
i turn to Joe: can i have a hug from you too?
Joe: sure!
i turn to Andy: can i have a hug, please, Andy?
Joe: oh yeah! Andy loves hugs.
Andy now denies that he did not look amused.
I stand with Patrick and Joe and we take the picture.
me: thank you!
Andy smiles at me when i look at him from the side! and keeps staring at me. I just keep smiling at him. :]
when we have to leave, I try to walk backwards, but it's uphill and i'm super clumsy so i just keep looking back at them until they go away.
boring story, but i had to share! "
i guess it wasn't bad for my first time, and now i'm remembered! (by Andy at least)
wonder if teeth chattering is not good,
good is not a good enough word,
i need to pee when i'm nervous,
fall out boy,
meet and greet