Sep 23, 2007 20:24
So since yahoo has decided to cancel its photo subscription i managed to get everything over to shutterfly, which was nice because they have all these start up offers that i am quite happy to partake of. :-D so pictures formerly on yahoo are now on shutterfly.
Week's been good, we've gotten alot of work on Hanah's house done, its almost finished! three weeks we've been there, well, that i've been there, there was alot of work done way before i got there. Friday we all went to work on this house of these wonderful volunteers, which through a strange coinidence the wife knows a store owner in vienna- and i know the store.
there has been alot of thinking and some reflecting this week, which is wonderful. I have to say, i love these mountains, and i love the people in them. my resident, she is inspiring to me, no matter how little she has she is always sharing, cooking lunch for us, even made sure stan and i had lunch when i popped in for a visit on saturday. she must be lonely up there in that hollow to miss us when we're not there attacking her house with a varying array of power tools.
i have reflected alot too on what it means to have gifts- what God has given to us and made us with. I was reading the autobiography of the priest that started CAP today (actually met him on friday, 84 years old praise the Lord) and it hit me as i was reading/praying. no child is unwanted, in that even if the sex that brought the child about was a mistake, wrongly had, etc etc, God created the life, placed a soul, and from that moment designed a child who's job is to fill some void, some need in the world. How many little salvations we have lost due to abortion, infanticide, the large numbers of children dying today from hunger, aids, war, etc. even if we humans cannot see the purpose of a child, God has. and when we give up on that child, corrupt them, and it turns out to be a bad character, an evil adult, we have mucked around with God's plan, whatever that was. all life, all of God's creation is for a purpose and special, from a praying mantis on my porch, to a child up in the hills. just my thoughts for today.
Sooo.... stan came to visit!!!!!! came in on his way to New MExico, and of course the stay was far too short. i was obsessing in the days/hours prior how to organize our day together so taht we might have the best use of it, i wont see him until christmas! i think we did a good job... oh man it was so good to see him, have him make me laugh, and see that he missed me just as much as i missed him. i was holding back tears when he left today- and had to go straight back to my room to be alone for a bit when he did. i used to be a pro at long distance- but not anymore, i just can't bear to be so far away from him for so long. its not the three weeks just past, its the knowledge of the three months ahead of me that breaks my heart, and the months that follow that! it was so good to see him... and i pray for him all the time for his safe journey, i'll admit i worry alot!