Easter Sunday

Apr 16, 2006 07:34

I'm home again,well not really because I'm at Adams house... but still. Just had a salad and now I'm waiting for Adam so we can go color some eggs (I know, we're kind of late on that).

Today was fun, got up around 9 and got ready to go to my grandparents house for Easter. Got a basket from my parents, had some pretty good candy in it :) Too bad my throat is still sore or it would probably be all gone right now! It was just Adam, my dad, my brother and myself who went up today. When we got there we kind of fooled around on my grandma's computer helping her learn some new stuff and then I read a little while. We had a great supper - a really good ham, some mashed potatoes and gravy, and some corn & rolls. My favorite was dessert, with the nice chocolate pie. After that I was so full and still wasn't feeling too well so I laid down and took a nap, along with Adam. I guess we must've slept for a while because around 5ish dad was waking us up telling us that it was time to go. The ride home was okay... took the stinking long way home. We had the music up a little loud and I just kind of laid back. Adam was working on his papers due sometime this week... I think that'll be what he does tonight after we fool around with some of those eggs.

Tomorrow I go back to school - I hope I didn't miss much in Anatomy. Mr. Diederichsen said we might do a lab... I guess I'll just have to make it up if we did. Usually by lab he means just doing things out of a lab book (keeping my fingers crossed it wasn't a dissection!). Otherwise we just watched a movie and I can just barrow it or stay after school for a half hour and watch it then. If none of those then it was just questions that I can do at home, probably my best choice. I'll also have some catching up to do in psychology... I know we had a worksheet he was going to hand out for reading, I guess I'll be up late tomorrow night.

I have to work Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday this week too. I've got to pay my $50 deposit for that class I am planning to take in June this year for my CNA... then I have to save another $400 due the day of class. I can do it... I have about $250 now and I'll have $200 after the deposit... I still have another month.

Well I'm going to go see what Fett is up to now...
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