Journal Entry: 9 October 2005

May 12, 2006 22:44

[OOC: Best viewed by computers with the Dragonfly font on them. If you don't have it, I have it here, feel free to snag it, as that's the font I always use for Riane's entries!]

(Charmed for those Riane considers to be friends.)

9 October
     It seems to me that Hogwarts is beginning to overflow with Aurors, and I'm not taking that as a good sign. When I'd volunteered to come here (apparently, the only person crazy enough to do so), there were only a few that had come before me. Now, it seems like there's an entire Auror force on the grounds. Just last week, there were two new additions, and I've heard (but not seen) that there's another new arrival this week. Do they know something that I don't know? It's a little bothering to me that I barely know most of the others, though. I mean, I've seen them or done an assignment here or there with most of them, but that's very little contact. I suppose I should try to get to know them better, but I'm just...not sure. On duty is one thing, but off? Besides, I've friends here, right? People to depend on should I need someone to watch my back and all of that. Must remember to ask Noah what he knows of some of the newer arrivals, though. I'm quite curious.
     Speaking of Noah: Are you out there? Did you still want to go for coffee one day this week? I haven't had a chance to get down to Hogsmeade since my arrival, and I would love to get out of the castle. Mind if we poke our heads into the bookstore while we're down? I promise not to stay long. Let's plan, shall we? Also, kickboxing this week, or are you going to make me let my knuckles heal completely before going again, because they are healed, I just haven't seen you to prove it. It has been almost a week, after all.I'll be more careful next time, honest.
     Also, I'm torn. After that conversation with Abel last week, I feel that I should try to socialize more with the staff here, but at the same time, I'd really rather not. I hate the whole 'getting to know you' part; I can never think of anything intelligent to say. I thing that, perhaps, I should just stick to the books and Carrot. Much easier that way. Besides, who's going to call me on it? I do deserve some quality alone time, don't I?


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