Decisions, Decisions...

May 28, 2009 17:24

Lately, I have been doing some serious thinking about the future of this blog.

I'm not deleting it - yet, although I'm considering it as an option. I *will* be doing something in regards to housing my fic & I shall make an announcement post when I make a final decision about it (most likely around the end of summer).

I noticed when I logged in today that someone friended me & then unfriended me a day later. I take no offense to it - I'm very rarely on this blog these days & haven't posted/replied to anything on my flsit in months. Anyone who has friended me in the past is welcome to unfriend me if they wish. I promise I won't think badly of anyone for doing so.

I will pop back in when I have the chance so forgive me if I seem like I'm ignoring anyone's response to this post.

ETA (06-17-2009): I have locked the majority of posts on this LJ. My fic (with the exception of my WIP "The Domino Effect") is unlocked.

real life ramble

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