(no subject)

Jan 12, 2006 00:41

Ok, so it's yet another boring night in my house involving me being the only one awake, and not tired in the least. I haven't really seen my friends this vacation, and I'm soo ready to get back to school. Hmmm, I think the last time I wrote I had mentioned the fact that I was falling for someone. Well, I adore him. It's weird because if you were to hang out with us you would just assume we were togeher, but we aren't. It's starting to bother me, but I think I'll be ok. Christmas was fun, my dad is engaged now, so that's an update. My cousins from Florida came to visit for a while which was cool because I haven't seen them in two years. My New Year's Eve was amazing! There was some drama but I was happy to be with all of my friends. I got a midnight kiss, which was amazing, and the first thing that was said to me in 2006 was "You taste like peppermint." Thanks to Merri's lipgloss it was a moment to remember forever. School is amazing. I've been doing a lot lately and I just switched my major to Professional Communications. The drag show is starting to come together, and the semi is slowly driving me crazy. I don't really know what else to say because I'm just really bored, and I don't want to go to bed. So...I'm going to do this survey, and maybe watch a movie. Sorry to all of you who have my wicked long ass entry on your friends page. :-) Oh yeah....I tried meatloaf for the first time, and I went to a Jordan's furniture for the first time too.

1. Do you snore?
When I have a cold I do. Which is a lot lately....i hate it, if you ever hear me, just hit me!

2. Are you a lover or a fighter?
I'm usually a lover, but I can fight with the best of them! Fighting and lovin' at the same time is fun too.

3. What's your worst fear?
Dying alone.

4. As a kid were you a lego maniac?
I loved loved loved 'em.

5. What do you think of reality tv?
I like certain shows.

6. Do you chew on straws?
OMG like a rolling kid with an oral fixation.

7. Were you a cute baby?
I don't think so. I was a cute 5 year old.

8. Is the single life for you?
Right now, I'm happy with what I have....not a bf, but WAY more then a friend.

9. What color is your keyboard?
Black like the rest of my laptop.

10. Do you sing in the shower?

11. Have you ever bungee jumped?
No, I'd pee myself.

12. Any secret talents?
I can sing.

13. What's your ideal vacation spot?
By a beach.

14. Is Jay Leno funny?

15. Have you eaten sushi?
Mmmm love it.

16. Have you ever seen the movie Donnie Darko?
Most of it, I fell asleep towards the end..I still wanna see the ending.

17. Do you give a damn about the ozone?
Um yes.

18. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
More then I have patience for.

19. Can you recite the alphabet backwards?
zyxwvutsr that's all I have memorized so far.

20. Have you ever been on an airplane?
Yes a few.

23. What's your stand on hunting?
I don't think I'd go, but you can if it's going to keep the population in check.

24. Is marriage in your future?
Eventually yes.

25. Do you like your handwriting?
Not really, it's horrid.

26. What are you allergic to?
Nada, but apples make my throat kinda itchy.

27. When was the last time you said "I love you"?
When I got off the phone with Sherry earlier

28. Is Elvis still alive?

29. Do you cry at weddings?
Not yet

30. How do you like your eggs?
only fried on rice

31. Are blondes dumb?
Some really are.

32. Where does the other sock end up?
Under your bed.

33. What time is it?

34. Do you have a nickname?
Ria, bitch, and Ri Ri if you want to be hit

35. Is McDonalds disgusting?
It could be worse.

36. When was the last time you were in a car?
about 24 hours ago

37. Do you prefer baths or showers?
Showers, I haven't taken a bath in years.

38. Is Santa Claus real?

40. Are you afraid of the dark?

41. What are you addicted to?
SEX! haha jk :-\

42. Crunchy or creamy peanut butter?
Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.

43. Can you crack your neck?
No, but sometims I wish I could soo bad.

44. Have you ever been inside an ambulance?

45. How many times have you brushed your teeth today?

46. Is drug free the way to be?

48. What color are your eyes?
Hazel, they have sunflowers in them I swear.

49. When's the last time you cried?
Earlier for like a minute....bite me!....I'm not manic SHUT UP!...sorry

50. Do you like your life?
I can't really change it all that much right now, so yes.

51. You're missing....
Nights at the burg

52. Are you psychic?
Sometimes my dreams become real life....none of the really good ones of course!

53. Have you ever read "Catcher in the Rye"?
Nope, but I don't really care that I haven't.

54. Do you play any instruments?
Not anymore, I want to play guitar though..

55. Have you ever stolen money?
Yes, from my dad once, 3 bucks.

56. Can you snowboard?
No, god no

57. Do you like camping?
Never been, but I want to go like hella bad.

58. Do you snort when you laugh?
Sometimes when I'm hella high

59. Do you believe in magic?

60. Are dogs a mans best friend?
Only because they need you to feed them

61. Do you believe in divorce?
Yes, it's always gonna happen, people change, and sometimes people rush into marrage and fuck themselves from the start.

62. Can you do the moonwalk?
A shitty one

63. Do you make a lot of mistakes?
It depends on what your definition of mistake is...I like to see everything as a lerning experience

64. Is it cold outside today?
I don't know

65. What was the last thing you ate?
Some chicken.

66. Do you wear nailpolish?
No, I bite my nails, and it always looks horrid.

68. What's the most annoying TV commercial?
That's a tough one, I hated the Emerald Nut Commercials

69. Do you shop at American Eagle?
No, I'm too big.

70. Favorite band at the moment?

For any of the people who actually read all this and wonder how it was 1 something in the middle of my survey, and it's like 2:30 something when I posted, i was on the phone for a while before I updated. :-P
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