
Feb 06, 2013 15:27

The only thing I'm using LJ for right now is to keep up with communities and comment on posts and such. I may upload every once in a while, because I plan on participating in a few community things, but you can always find me on Tumblr, if you're looking and AO3 once I start posting again

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alby_mangroves February 25 2015, 23:09:59 UTC
Ah, no worries. I'm a lot more active here when it comes to chatting to people and keeping up with what my flist is up to. I'll friend you here anyway, just because :)

In all honestly the only reason I made a Tumblr is because a lot of my art was being copied from my journal or AO3 or wherever, and reposted to Tumblr without permission so I thought having a presence there would stop that. It has slowed it down, in any case, which is good. But as far as communication platforms are concerned, it's shit. And I really like to chat and get to know fandom people, so it's not a good place for me.

I do have Skype, though I rarely use it, but I go under the same handle everywhere so you should find me under albymangroves or something. I'm also really active on Twitter if you have that. Same name.

Not sure what timezone you're in but it's morning for me and I'm at work at the moment so I won't be on Skype right now, but if you wanted to find me there I'll make sure I check in tonight when I get home so we can at least connect :)

(And thanks very much, I'm so glad you liked my art! I liked yours too and am very much looking forward to reading the fic you're working on for Brillcrist as well :D)


riais February 26 2015, 23:30:24 UTC
Sorry I missed you, it seems we're in different timezones. I realize now that I can just reply to you through my email, which is really convenient, so if you ever want to chat, feel free to message me.

And yeah, trying to talk on tumblr is very frustrating. Its one of the reasons I ask everyone I chat with over there if they skype because IMing is so much easier, and so much more in the instant gratification realm of things.
I'll find you on Skype next time I get the chance and I'm on :)
Edit: Just added you!


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