(no subject)

May 31, 2006 16:14

I can tell it the end of the school year. It's getting hot, every thing's green(main cause of my allergies), finals are done, senior pictures are being pasted out and every ones saying goodbye. The end of the year always makes me feel a sense of unity and friendship. Things end and thing's begin at the same time. For the Seniors, they are opening a new chapter in their lives. They are embarking on a great adventure. This end of the year made me realize how much friends mean to me. This year I actually have friends graduating. So good luck to Max, Kylee, and Rachel you were basically the only seniors who talked to me and I thank you for all the good times we had together. This all hit me today because we started to practice the graduation march in concert band.

So I'm going to enjoy my last couple days of being a sophomore and looking forward to being a Junior. This summer I defiantly want to stay in touch with my friends and get together every so often. So if your ever board call me. We'll find something to do.

So after a bad weekend, Monday and Tuesday went pretty good.
Monday- Hotness but a great bus ride
Tuesday got burnt but rode every Roller coaster at Hershey Park

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