Fanfic- Expectant Time Chapter 5

Mar 14, 2011 18:41

Title: Expectant Time Chapter 5

Rating: T

Category: Drama/Romance

Pairing: Tashigi/Zoro, Tashigi/Smoker (sort of)

Summary: Tashigi faces the consequences of some actions. She does not face them alone.

Spoilers: Mentions of many things before the time-skip.

Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. I'm not making any money. Please don't sue.

Month 16 part 1

Tashigi walked through the street pushing a stroller where Suzume was sleeping. She'd just hung a thin blanket off of the shade to keep the light out. The toddler would sleep through almost any noise, including the swishing and clunking of the shopping bags hanging around the stroller, but if the light got to her before she was ready to wake up, Tashigi would have a tired and very cranky child to deal with for the rest of the afternoon. That was something she definitely did not want. It was her first full day off in over a week, since Smoker had gone out on the ship. Most of the captains under him had also left with the fleet, leaving the running of the base to her in their absence. While she missed running off half-cocked with her CO, being the acting head of a large base had its challenges.

She stopped for a moment to stretch her arms and breathe in the warm air. It was definitely nicer to be out enjoying a day of shopping with her daughter than it was to be cooped up in the office. That is why she rolled her eyes when her baby dendenmushi began to signal. Sighing at the interruption, she straightened her sun hat and answered with a, "Yes?"

"Lieutenant Tashigi! Sorry to interrupt you but we have important news!"

Tashigi glanced around the street as she responded, "Then please let me know what it is."

Coming around a corner from a side street, she saw out of the corner of her eye, a flash of green which almost made her miss the answer from the office.

"The Strawhat Pirates! Their ship has been spotted at one of the civilian ports!"

Tashigi felt her breath quicken as she turned to see a man she had not seen in over two years. He was meandering down the street in her general direction but was still a good ways off. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself and gave several quick orders.

"Let all patrols know that they are to recon only and not to confront any of the Strawhat Pirates directly unless there is immediate danger to Marines or civilians. At our current staffing, we would be hard pressed to challenge them. Gather intelligence only. Please update me as soon as you find the locations of any crew members."

"Yes, sir! Please keep yourself and Suzume safe until you return to base."


Tashigi furrowed her brow at the now-inert dendenmushi. Did they think she couldn't take care of herself? Shaking her head, she refocused herself on the approaching man. He was still walking slowly and did not seem to have noticed her yet. Knowing she could not be seen with him, she thought for a moment. Then she took off her hat and started pushing the stroller on a course to intercept him. When she got close, he saw her and had a moment of recognition. She put up a hand to keep him from speaking, put her hat on his head, and said, "Follow me."

He snorted and must have decided to play along because he actually followed her down a side street. They walked without speaking for several minutes until Tashigi finally led him down a vacant alley, through a back gate, and into a small, well-tended yard.

Tashigi finally turned around to face him, her light blue sunhat looking very out of place on his head. She let out a breath that she didn't realize she had been holding. She gestured to a couple of chairs under a patio and said, "Have a seat. Would you like something to drink?"

Zoro looked at her incredulously and responded, "Sake if you've got it."

"No alcohol here," she said as she pushed the covered stroller under the shade and opened the patio door.

"Then, whatever you've got is fine."

Tashigi went inside and poured a two glasses of cold barley tea.

"So, do you often kidnap people and offer them drinks?"

She put a juice box on a tray with the glasses and went back outside. Setting it down on the table, she responded, "I can't be seen with you and we need to talk."

He took the glass and drank deeply, waiting for her to continue. She sat down and sipped her drink.

"First things first, what is you crew's intention here? Your history with Marine bases is not good."

"We're not here for a fight. We just want to pick up some supplies while the log pose sets."

"Hmph… you had better not start fights. Rear Admiral Smoker will be very angry if he finds out you were messing up his island while he was gone."

"He'd just be mad that he missed fighting Luffy."

Both paused to take a drink of their tea.

"Your hair got longer."

Tashigi startled and reached to touch the ends of her hair. It now reached past her shoulders.

"Aaa… I didn't even notice it was growing and then it was this long." She glanced at his face. "You have a new scar."

"More than one."

He looked her in the eyes. She felt her stomach clench and a heat begin to rise in her chest.

"You've gotten stronger," he continued. "I can tell just by how you move."

She blushed and replied, "You have too."

Under his scrutiny, Tashigi found herself at a loss for words. How could she tell him about the last two years? It could be so easy but the words were not coming out as they continued to look at each other. Then, she heard a rustling coming from the stroller.

Zoro seemed to notice it too. "What's in the cart?"

Well, since words were failing her, actions would have to do. She turned in her chair and removed the blanket from the stroller. She could see Zoro's eyebrows rise as she unbuckled her sleepy little girl. Pulling the yawning toddler on to her lap, Tashigi said, "I have someone I'd like you to meet."

Zoro gaped as he saw the little girl finish her yawn and her features settle into a very familiar tired scowl.

fanfic, one piece, fandom

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