Day 7: my pet hates

Nov 25, 2013 16:56

My cat hates it when she's on one side of a closed door and when people that are not her are getting fed. Eh? Eh? Pet hates, geddit?? :D?

But seriously folks, I hate when people walk too slowly in such a way that it's also difficult to pass them. Currently it's driving me nuts that my morning train conductor takes a total of four seats in the quiet ride car to do some sort of timetable thing, so I have to squish next to someone. In fic, the phrase "he went instantly, blindingly hard" makes me want to set the author on fire every time. Wearing turtlenecks or too many layers makes me feel squirmy and itchy all day.

People who touch their teeth to the fork when they're eating and make that horrible metal-on-bone scraping sound. Audio and visual being in any way out of sync. When a webpage takes more than 0.4 seconds to load. People who use anything other than the default font style in their emails. All men.
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