Claude Giroux has great taste in suits

May 20, 2012 16:32

I started compiling this picspam when someone maligned Claude's taste in formal dress and then it kind of expanded to any picture of him in a button-down shirt. Please no comments on how embarrassingly gingersexual this entry reveals me to be.

This is the suit that started me actively going out and collecting pictures.

He looks good, okay? Danny certainly is having a moment over it.


This photoshoot from The Fourth Period magazine is perhaps the best showcase for his affinity for plaid suits.

Also how bad he is at styling his own hair.

As you can see, he owns several plaid suits.

You'd think I'd be able to find a better picture of this one, since it was on 24/7, but apparently I didn't.

Giroux me on it. (bonus ex-step-son in the background there.)

lololol he looks terrible here.

And if he's not in a plaid suit, that just leaves him free to try on a plaid shirt instead.

The team last season in Montreal.

No matter what his suits look like, at least they always fit well. (Also, there is no haircut that looks good on JVR.)

Of course, there are those rare times when he combines a plaid shirt with a plaid shirt, to great effect. The polka dot tie really brings this look together.

He loves plaid so much, you might even say... he never met a Czech he didn't like. *sunglasses*

Claude's other sartorial staple is the pink shirt. His toothlessness is so charming /o\

Giving us some All-Star Game realness.

With a vest! And Matt Read repping the plaid suit this time.

He's the best-dressed man in this picture!

I can't tell if this shirt is actually pink, or if it's just a reflection off that tie.

Giroux's love of pink shirts is not a new phenomenon. Thankfully he's grown out of his bleached hair days. And his hanging out with Brad Marchand days.

Incidentally, he loves all his World Junior teammates.

Sometimes he wears purple instead for a good cause.

And sometimes he wears purple just for funsies.

This is from two Movembers ago, and it is one of my favorite pictures of him. What a total creeper.

Giroux does occasionally dress in a more traditional manner. God, he looks like such a baby here.

Giroux's letting Danny take the role of interesting dresser on this one.

Look, he won an award! Probably not for being a snappy dresser, though :(

Hockey players are stunning models of beauty and suavity.

I saved this picture as "chesthair.png" so clearly that's what I wanted you all to notice.

This is not a suit by really any definition, but you're just going to have to deal.

Look at Carbomb's beautiful feathered hair if you're mad.

el oh el Danny Briere.

While I was looking for all these suit pictures, occasionally I got a bit distracted, so here are some pictures I thought you should look at, even if they don't technically contain any suits.


Claude Giroux looking like he's having a great time.

Look at those shoulders, though.

Okay bye.

ref you suck

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