Woo update time

Jun 26, 2009 17:15

Nibby stuff first:
He is doing SO much better!! He's eating mostly by himself now, but still needs his meds until he runs out. He's not nearly as yellow as he was and is even bullying the girls again.
He's still the anorexic cat right now (Down to 10lbs from 20-22) but I'm confident after a few months he'll fill out again. Just, not that big.

I'm so relieved. I can leave the house for the next few weeks and I know hubby can take care of him without needing to force feed him every few hours. It was a long 3 weeks, but knowing he's ok is totally worth it.

Thank you again to everyone who assisted! It's because of all of the help we received that we have him relatively healthy and happy right now!

Now as for sewing stuff..
The last few nights have been pretty hardcore and it won't stop for the next 4-5 days. I just really hope I can manage to replenish my stock in time.

So far:
  •  the Mother 2/Earthbound set is stil good to go
  • Ice Climbers are done
  • Moro & Maro from XXXholic are done (just need faces, will take 1 hour approx)
  • Mother 3 is still about 50%
  • Macross Frontier set is coming along smoothly
And various other sets still works. Hopefully all Mother/MF stuff will be done by tomorrow sometime.

I also have More CCS stuff (Kero & Suupi's) to finish.. OTL;; 
Let's see if I can do it!


Take care everyone!

help, nibby, cosplay, thank you

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