Does anyone else ever feel this territorial?

May 21, 2009 16:50

UGH I hate it when people just wander into my sewing room without at least asking permission to enter first D:<  or if they just demand to go in.
I have a sign up! ....TWO even!!! People can't read?!

Isn't it common courtesy to at least ASK if you can see/go in there??

I mean, even if I'm good friends with you.. no especially if I'm good friends with you I think It'd make more sense for manners??

It's not a public place, it's my work.

It's not a costume shop where people can just come in and assume they can just wear my costumes whenever.

It's not a place where you can just enter and start going through my plushes or my commissions and start tossing them about. >:{

This isn't directed at any one person but several instances in the past 2 months

[ flips a table and kicks a can on the way out ]
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