Oct 02, 2007 21:40
Stop reading if you have never heard of Bokurano, are watching but haven't finished Bokurano, or have no idea what I'm talking about.
yeah. it's over. it's actually over. wow.
The entire time I was watching the series, I was always trying to think of an ending that I'd hope they'd show, because, unlike most anime, I had absolutely NO idea what was going to happen in the end. But, although I secretly sometimes hoped for the children to be revived, I'm glad they stayed dead (sounds pretty bad, I know). If they had pulled some magic thing out of nowhere I would have lost all hope for good anime, but they didn't! they actually didn't! Very, VERY sad when Jun died as the last pilot, though. I hated him in the beginning (who wouldn't?) but midway through I really grew to love his character. I also gained back some serious respect for Yoko before the end when she killed her brother and took kana's pilot spot. that took guts, but I'm glad that happened.
I wasn't sure how it was going to end up because there are several ways that the ending could have been really bad or predictable, so I kind of kept my faith in the writers at a distance, but as the series went on, I began to realize that not only would they create a great ending, but these guys are brilliant! Overall, I'd have to say this is probably one of my favorite shows of all time, not just anime shows. Well done, Bokurano, well done.