Updates! And I'm alive!

Feb 16, 2014 14:06

Look, I'm alive! I can't believe I haven't posted since August... And it's not even that I can say I've moved over to Tumblr instead or something. Really I just haven't been doing much in online fandom the past months, other than lurking and reading. So much of my fannish interaction is IRL now. I post more fannish stuff to FB than anything now (only the more FB-appropriate stuff, though! I can't exactly talk about Porn Battle on there, but I post my dolls and such). Most of you here who I actually interact with regularly I talk to IRL anyway, and I don't even know how many people are still around at all, but here is a general update anyway... next up I will post the Porn Battle fic I just finished.


I've been flitting between about 5 different fandoms over the past half year. Game of Thrones and Avengers are constants. I still read some Clint/Phil and Tony/Steve when I'm in the mood, and occasionally I will read Jaime/Brienne. But for GoT I'm mostly all about the crafting and drawing and general fangirling. Season 3 really pushed me over the edge from generally enjoying it to love the hell out of it (Jaime/Brienne helped), and then I read all the books over the spring/summer so I have now joined the ranks of people desperately waiting for Winds of Winter. One day. In the meantime, Season 3 comes out on Tuesday. I can't wait to rewatch and see the commentaries! Nikolai and Gwendoline are doing a commentary on 3.05, aka the one with the bath scene (that I just wrote a PB fic based on) - very excited to hear that. Wonder just how awkward that scene was to do, what with being naked the entire time... though I suppose marginally less awkward than a sex scene.

flamebyrd got me hooked on Welcome to Nightvale so I've been fairly obsessed with that, too. Spent a week on vacation in Arizona after Wincon in October reading a ton of fic. At the Grand Canyon I would stake out the wifi area in the main lodge, download a bunch of fic to my iPhone, then read it offline in my room. And, you know, took some time to actually look at the canyon. ;) Also I got to go to Seattle and see Cecil live! It was awesome. They're coming to Emerald City Comic Con, too, so I'll get to see them again!

Other than those, I had a brief flirtation with reading all the Javert/Valjean fics ever around New Years after I rewatched the 2012 Les Mis and decided I needed fic. I read something like 300k words in one week over New Years, it was ridiculous. And all the songs have been stuck in my head ever since.

And finally, I just spent the last month marathoning Breaking Bad. I finished it on Monday night, when I watched the final 3 episodes in one evening. That was fucking intense, yo. ;) Man that show, it was a hell of a ride to watch like that. Two other friends were watching it for the first time too, so we would text each other to scream about our feelings. After 5.09 (the garage confrontation) I had to go sit on the floor with a blanket over my head. I was having a lot of feelings, don't judge me. ;) It's not really a fandom I will get fannish about, but it was glorious to watch. That really was some incredible TV - such amazing writing, acting, and directing. Very very intense, and hard to watch at times near the end (god can nothing ever go right for Jesse?), but worth it. I'm a bit in awe of how, by the end of the show, I fucking hated Walt at times because he was SO awful, and yet I still was kinda rooting for him, because Bryan Cranston is just that good. (Jesse I just wanted to give a hug to the entire show, seriously that boy he breaks my heart and Aaron Paul's face makes me cry)


I've been... pretty lazy on the drawing front. Did a couple of challenges back in the fall, and have been working on some Game of Thrones portraits and chibis. But most of my time is spent crafting these days. Myself and 4 other friends have joined forces to get a table at FanExpo Vancouver to sell crafts, and I'm making crochet dolls (and possibly turning those GoT chibis into bookmarks if I have time). I have a ton on the go now... let's see, for anyone interested and for my own need to make a list, here's what I'm working on now:

- Crochet dolls for FanExpo. I'm doing crochet bodies/base clothing, with felt for the details and outer clothing (ie. jackets, dresses). I want to do a bunch of GoT ones, and various others. I have Jon finished, and Daenerys and Tyrion almost finished. I also made a Walter White doll this week and have almost finished Jesse too, because I am still dealing with my feelings. The Walt doll is him at Heisenberg, so with the hat and sunglasses. He's kinda creeping me out. Scary fuck. And Jesse has jeans/tee and the yellow hazmat suit over it. I want to make at least 20, so I have a lot of work to do!

- Never-ending Game of Thrones blanket. Several of you have seen this already IRL and on Facebook in various stages of completeness. 9 panels, one for each of the major houses (Stark, Lannister, Baratheon, Targaryan, Greyjoy, Tyrell, Martell, Tully, Arryn). All 9 panels are done (FINALLY, it's been 7 months!), but I need to add borders between each and then sew them all together and add fleece to the back. I wanted it done before "winter came". Hah. So then I wanted it done before season 4 started. But with all the dolls I need to make... it probably won't happen. Hopefully before season 4 ends!!

- Jayne hat bra commission for a friend. She found it online and it's pretty awesome. No pattern so I am winging it. Shouldn't take too much longer. I really didn't have time for it, but hell it sounded fun and I need the money.

- Fixing my Daenerys cosplay. I made the costume for Halloween and it was the first proper cosplay I ever did. On the whole I'm quite proud of it, but there is stuff that needs finishing and fixing before Emerald City. Somehow.

Real life

IRL... life has been pretty much the same as the past 2 years. Go to work, go to La Fontana with the nerds, crochet stuff, watch TV. Work is ok. I just got a raise so that's good! I'm not looking forward to another summer season, though. Last summer was stressful - fingers crossed for no more big natural disasters in Canada! The Calgary flooding was insane for us (and awful for those living there, of course). La Fontana is really where the majority of my fannish interaction is now. Love them all, but most of them aren't into fic or slash so I miss that part of fandom when I'm there... doesn't stop me from talking about it, and they are mainly amused by me I think. On the plus side, my friend AW (who used to read some fic but hasn't in years) just got into Teen Wolf and texted me saying that she needed ALL THE FIC. So there's that. ;)

What else... I went to Wincon in October for the first time. I had a blast - it's always great to hang out with fangirls IRL, plus they had a button making machine and a felt plushy making table where I spent many happy hours making shit. Also finally got to see Vegas for the first time in my life, plus the Grand Canyon as I mentioned above. That's been it for traveling in recent months, but Mom and I are making vague noises about maybe going to Scotland in September depending on how good her royalties are in March, so maybe that will happen! In the meantime, I have Emerald City Comic Con (though I don't exactly consider Seattle 'traveling'), and maaaybe this will be the year I try to get tickets to San Diego. Maybe. I have a few friends going, but I need to decide if I can afford it. I spent a LOT of money at Phoenix last year getting the autographs of the entire Babylon 5 cast.

(which, speaking of - Bruce Boxleitner is coming to Vancouver FanExpo!! So I can finally get his signature as well since he had to cancel last minute from Phoenix. I was freaking out when I found out.)

And... I think that's about it! I will make separate posts next with Shit That I Have Made over the past months, starting with the Porn Battle XV fic I just wrote. LJ is not the most conducive for posting art and pictures, though... I wish you could just upload/embed a picture from my hard drive directly into a post, but I don't think you can.

breaking bad, game of thrones, fandom, crafts, rl

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