Warning for pathetic-ness and generally feeling sorry for myself below

Apr 30, 2011 14:48

Huh. So, evidently I'm not going to get to see Thor in a decent theatre. Or the final HP movie. Or any other movie I've been looking forward to... for awhile there at least a few decent theatres in Vancouver would have the 2D versions of movies, but if the currently available showtimes for Thor are any indication? That ain't happening anymore. Not one fucking theatre in the entire Lower Mainland is showing Thor in 2D, or at least if they are then their showtimes aren't up yet for next Friday. All the big theatres/Silvercities/etc are 3D only. So is the little local cinema 2 minutes from my apartment. Guess I'm shit out of luck, along with another 10% of the population... this really really sucks. I thought for sure it'd be in 2D somewhere. Here's praying that HP7 will be.

In the meantime, as soon as my benefits kick in (5 more weeks) I'm going to make an appointment with the eye doctor... I suppose it's finally time to see if I can do something to fix my lazy eye/evident lack of proper depth perception so I can actually see movies in the future. (I tried this test and totally couldn't do it... no wonder I found it hard to judge distances between cars when I briefly drove 8-odd years ago, heh).

And in other news, I owe $500 to CPP because I was partially self-employed last year and wasn't paying tax/making CPP contributions directly off of what I was making. So much for hoping I wouldn't owe anything/would maybe get a refund because of write offs and school tuition... guess I technically don't owe any tax, anyway. And this is still my money, I just... won't see it until I retire. ^^; Oh well. Thank god I have a job now.

...okay yeah, sorry, I'm feeling sorry for myself and have been in a bad mood for 2 days. Am pms-ing all over the place, or at least that's my excuse. Should have seen me at work yesterday, I was feeling twitchy and irritable and stressed and it wasn't until the afternoon that it finally occurred to me why that probably was. ^^; (people making last minute bookings didn't help - trying to get confirmations back from hotels and tour companys back east for stuff next week, and they're all "it's confirmed!" and I'm all "it's almost 5pm your time on Friday and all I need is an email saying what you just told me because I can't confirm it over the phone! Jesus it's not that hard to write an email!" and gaaaaah.)

*ventvent* Yeah. And drawing class this morning mostly just stressed me out because I've had no inspiration or energy to draw for weeks, and drawing still lifes really really bores me. We do figures for the second half of the class, anyway, which I much prefer.

...wow this is pathetic. I'm gonna go watch the new ep of DW now... that should help. ^^;

Oh, and happy birthday Paul Gross! Totally didn't realize until quettalinde told me. I'm a bad fan... 52 and still lookin' good. :)
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