Hockey (now that's an unusual subject for me...) & SGA

Apr 26, 2011 22:26

Wooo! I'm not even a hockey fan, but woooo! That was exciting and stressful, even for me. ^^ I rarely bother watching, but I had it on in the background all evening while I cleaned my apartment (which really really needed it) because really, the city's excitement has been infectious for the past few weeks. Yay Vancouver! :)

Mmm, I feel like I should a useful post with actual content, because I haven't for awhile... I never posted about the Stargate con, did I? It was a lot of fun. jedinic and I got our picture taken with Joe, David, and Paul, which was pretty awesome. Soon as I get the jpeg (which I ordered so we could make a 2nd print) I'll post it under f-lock so you guys can see. It turned out well, I think. :) The Atlantis panel was interesting, too, and I managed to pretty much avoid getting spoiled. I'm glad I'd seen up to 4.10, though, because they mentioned a fairly major spoiler from that ep at one point. (and it goes without saying that I'm glad I'd seen "Sunday" beforehand - that would have been a shitty way to find out, otherwise... well, it was shitty anyway, but least I had time to deal with it and also learn that the character in question comes back before I went to the con!).

Anyway, I finished s4 last night and now that the game is finally over I'm going to watch the s5 premiere in a few min, prob. I'm enjoying the show on the whole, even if it's kinda silly at times and I lack the level of emotional attachment to it that I have to other shows. But Rodney's awesome, of course. And I actually teared up a bit in the s4 finale, I think for the first time in the entire show, at the thought of Rodney in that other timeline. Made me sad. :( I've been reading some fic - I had a brief period of wanting to find some Rodney/Beckett, but couldn't find much and nothing really good (it's probably out there, but...) so I gave in and am reading McShep. Working my way through cesperanza's fics because, hell, I can't go wrong with her. Part of me wanted to watch SGA just so I COULD read her SGA fic, because I've read all of her dS fic and want more.

I can hear people yelling and cheering outside... god knows what it's like downtown. ^^ (though I don't think anything could ever top the Olympics game last year - that was amazing... never seen anything like that downtown)

Ugh, CBC's switched to election coverage now that the game's over. I'll be happy when this is over... although the result probably won't be what I want. *sigh* Well, consider this my public service reminder to all Canadians on my f-list - go vote on Monday! I already voted early, because it was more convenient and there was no lineup. :)

Off to have a shower and watch the SGA s5 premiere. Woo. Almost done the show! Then I need to find something else to watch. Possibly Castle. *considers*


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