Mar 31, 2011 21:43

So guess what? I FINALLY saw Supernatural filming today!! Finally, after all these years! And not just a few trucks and crew members milling about; I saw Jared, Jensen, Misha, and Jim all just 30-odd metres away! And Jim came up to us (it was a fairly large group, heh - the word had gotten out on Twitter) and chatted for a couple of minutes! So cool. jedinic got her PICTURE taken with Jim, lucky girl, when he had come over to chat with the group earlier, before I got off work. I hate her. XD Anyway, I met her and quettalinde after work and we hung around for a couple of hours, then went to get food. I wasn't feeling great (and also exhausted, geez - guess I'm still adjusting to fulltime work, and today was busy) so I took off while they went back to see the evening shooting (which according to the text I just got from jedinic wasn't much to write home about. Too bad... we knew the Impala was parked around there somewhere but we didnt' see it).

Anyway, I'm so happy to have finally properly seen it shooting! And on the 2nd to last day of shooting for this season, to boot. Imagine if god forbid the show gets cancelled - I will have seen one of the final shoots of the show! But let's hope not... season 6 may not be perfect, but I still want a season 7! We didn't catch more than glimpses of the boys and Misha (they were getting in and out of a van which I think was basically there for them to hang out in between takes), but I saw Jensen and Misha's faces anyway.. Jensen was wearing sunglasses at one point, very nice. ;) And saw the back of Jared's head several times, lol. It was cool to see Misha in costume - when you see him at a con he's just, you know, a regular guy in regular clothing - but in costume it's kind of like actually seeing Castiel. :) Jim hung out not that far away from us just playing on his cell phone for quite awhile, lol. The others ducked in and out pretty quickly, but he seemed happy to hang out in full view of us and also come over and chat, as I said. He was all, "don't you guys have anything better to do?" lol. Pretty funny.

I have no pictures because I stupidly didn't bring a camera (forgot to charge it, and anyway I kinda thought they wouldn't allow photos... but they were totally fine with it). But the others got photos so if they don't post them, then with their permission I might. :)


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